Sunday 19 March 2017

Prayer of the Day - Prayer Of Humility Daily

Prayer Of Humility Daily

O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine.
From the desire to be esteemed, deliver me.
From the desire to be honored, deliver me.
From the desire to be praised, deliver me.
Teach me to accept humiliation, contempt, rebukes,
being slandered, being ignored, being insulted, being wronged,
and being belittled.
Jesus, grant me the grace that others be admired more than I;
that others be praised and I unnoticed;
that others be preferred to me in everything;
that others be holier than I, provided I become as holy as I should;
that I might imitate the patience and obedience of Your mother, Mary.


Note: This is not an easy prayer to pray, it comes from this book, in it Rev Morrow challenges us to pray this prayer. I have prayed it for over a year now. It really helps change our perspective on things.

Overcoming Sinful Anger:
How to Master Your Emotions and Bring Peace to Your Life
Rev. T. G. Morrow
Sophia Institute Press

Catholic Faith Alive
ISBN 9781622822300
eISBN 9781622822317

The photo is Saint Josemaria Escriva and Blessed Alvara del Portillo made by Oremus Crocheted Saints. I believe both of them would appreciate this prayer.

For more info about the crocheted saints and a pocket oratory click here.

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