Friday 10 March 2017

Way of the Cross - Saint Josemaria Escriva

Way of the Cross
St. Josemaria Escriva
Scepter Publishing
ISBN 9781889334547
ISBN 9780906138076

Over the years I have used many different versions of the Way of the Cross or the Stations of the Cross. For over a decade now this has been my favourite. I have two very worn copies of the mini version of this book, one at home and one on my desk at work. And there is an abbreviated version of it in Handbook of Prayers edited by James Socias, this abbreviated version does not have the points to ponder, which I will get to next.

I have three different versions of this book; I have the large hard cover, the mini version and now also the eBook and each follows the same format. First a forward by Alvaro del Portillo. This is followed by the opening prayer. Then the 14 stations, each station starts with a painting from classical art, the meditation for that station. And then it has 5 Points for meditation. And then a short biography of St. Josemaria Escriva, note in some editions the biography is before the forward.

The strength of this this book beyond any other version I have used is those 5 points for meditation. When I have the time I can pray the stations and take a few minutes on each of these 5 points. Other times I pick one of them and follow that number through the 14 stations. During Lent I have been in the habit of praying the Stations daily and using these 5 numbered points one a day and then cycle back through them. And this version is excellent for personal reflection or to do together as a group or parish.

This is an excellent resource for your personal spiritual life, or for your community. I highly recommend it for Saint Josemaria Escriva, who was the founder of Opus Dei, really takes a reader deep into the mysteries of the passion of Jesus Christ.

Note: You can find 2 different audio versions of this book here, led by Father Rocky from Relevant Radio.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2017 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by St. Josemaria Escriva:
Christ Is Passing By
Conversations with Saint Josemaria
The Forge
Friends of God

Holy Rosary
In Love with the Church
The Way
The Way of the Cross

Books about St. Josemaria Escriva:
A Man Who Knew How to Forgive: Lessons from the Life of St. Josemaria Escriva - Francesc Faus

Praying 15 Days with St. Josemaria Escriva - Guillaume Derville

Volumes in the St Josemaria Escriva's Collected Letters:
Letters 1: Singuli dies, 24 March 1930
Letters 2: Videns eos, 24 March 1931
The Burgos Letters (1938-1939): Three Circular Letters
Letters: Letter 3: Res omnes, 9 January 1932
Letter 4: Vos autem, 16 July 1933 : Letter 4: Vos autem, 16 July 1933 
Letter 5: Euntes ergo, 2 October 1939 
Letter 6: Sincerus est, 11 March 1940
Letter 7: Quem per annos, 24 October 1942 
Letter 8: Legitima hominum, 31 May 1943 

Other Posts:

Other Way of the Cross Reviews:
The Way of The Cross
The Way of The Cross II

All reviews of Stations of the Cross.

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