Monday 21 August 2017

Little Miss Spider at Sunny Patch School - David Kirk

Little Miss Spider at Sunny Patch School
David Kirk
ISBN 9780439087278

My youngest and I recently read this together, a number of times.  It brought back a lot of memories, for my oldest loved the TV series Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends, and we read number of the Miss Spider books together over a half dozen year ago. My youngest never really got into the TV show but she fell in love with this book right away.

In fact the day we picked up this book we read it through three times back to back. My daughter loved the cover and even though she is not fond of spiders she loved the story. She could really relate to not doing many things at school well, and even not liking some things at school. She fell in love with the young Miss Spider and we will need to track down other books with her and maybe even revisit the show.

Any book my child asks to read, even if it is rereading the same book is considered a winner. But this book has a great lesson and amazing bright vibrant illustrations. It is visually fun to read.

A great little book for young readers.

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