Wednesday 9 August 2017

My definition of real strength

Real Strength

Doing what needs to be done. Saying no to myself when needed; no second deserts, no I won’t skip the planned workout. Going for the bike ride with the kids, when they ask but when I do not really feel like it and am tired and soar. Saying yes to getting up when my alarm goes off because my day goes better when it is not rushed. Striving to be the best version of myself; in body, mind, and spirit. Comparing myself, my life only to who I was yesterday, or last week or last month and not other people and their lives. Saying no to staying up late when I need the rest. That is real strength.

I am a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a friend, and I am Roman Catholic!

Other Articles Examining Who I Am:
Mad Celtic Warrior, Poet and Priest! - An Essay - 2003
The Journey of a Quester! - An Essay / Spiritual Biography 2004
New Year's 2006
Who Am I? Who Am I? -2008
Confessions of a Bibliophile #5 - How I Became a Bibliophile, From Dyslexic to Addict - 2009
New Year's Goals 2010
Steven R. McEvoy Interview - 2012
2014 My Goals

Who I Am - 2014
Feast of Saint Joseph 2018
I have greatly sinned 

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