Saturday 23 December 2017

Dying for Revenge - Barbara Golder - The Lady Doc Murders Book 1

Dying for Revenge
The Lady Doc Murders Book 1
Barbara Golder
Full Quiver Publishing
ISBN 9781987970005

This was the third book from this small publisher that I have read, and the second by Dr. Barbara Golder, and I have thoroughly enjoyed them all. I read the second book in this series first, Dying for Compassion, and loved it. I started reading this book even before I had written my review of book two. I just could not put them down. It has been years, likely more than 20 years since reading mysteries was a big part of my reading each year. But I must say if more books were to be released in this series I would grab them up and bump them to the top of my reading pile.  And it is not a small pile, I currently have just over 100 books in my to be read list.

In my review of the other book in this series I stated that reading this book was like "watching Quincy M.E. with my dad. It also brought to mind Diagnosis Murder. But with an undercurrent from three of the main characters Catholic faith and its influence on them and their world view." That faith element is in many ways even stronger in this volume. Having read the books out of order I was familiar with some of our cast of characters. Jane Wallace, a widow, who is the Medical Examiner in Telluride. A ski town in the mountains. And we have the Eoin Conner and Irish writer, who has been through more than his status as world famous writer would let on. Father Matt a youngish priest at the local parish, a parish that only has a full time priest because of an endowment from Dr. Wallace. 

This book begins with a young women finding of that her husband has HIV and that likely she and her unborn child have it because of his behaviour. Shortly after that he ends up dead. But soon someone starts killing of random people in Telluride. And the body count might be higher than many at first expect. The corners own son starts piecing it together, as he is digitizing the medical records at his mother's lab. We have a nosy reporter that is willing to more than bend the law to get a story. We also have another young woman sexually assaulted, and because of her illegal status things are complicated.

That is a lot of plot elements rolled into one story. But what an incredible story it is. This book starts with a scream and goes on a roller coaster ride from there. It was nearly impossible to put this book down. The few times I had to all I could do was keep thinking about it, and wanting to read that next chapter. While reading this I could think of a dozen friends that would love this book. I also want to get a copy for my dad and step mom because I believe they will love it also. Fans of Andrew M. Greeley's Blackie Ryan books would appreciate this novel. As well as fans of Robert B. Parker's Spencer for Hire books. When you add the smattering of Catholicism, and a female lead this book is an excellent read!

As mentioned previously this book is from a smaller publisher.  Full Quiver Publishing has a tag line on their website of "Theology of the Body Fiction", and after reading a few books from them I have a great appreciation for what they are trying to do and the works coming from this publisher. I can highly recommend this book; and really hope we get more from Golder's pen to read soon. Give it a chance I am sure the writing will grab your attention and keep you glued to the page, and desperately wanting more.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2017 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Barbara Golder:
Lady Doc Murders:
Dying for Revenge
Dying for Compassion

Reviews of other books from Full Quiver Publishing:
Julia's Gifts - Ellen Gable

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