Tuesday 19 December 2017

Supergirl Age of Atlantis - Jo Whittemore - Supergirl Book 1

Supergirl: Age of Atlantis
Supergirl Book 1
Jo Whittemore
Amulet Books
Warner Bros. TV
DC Comics
ISBN 9781419728143

I picked up this book because of having read and reviewed Barry Lyga's The Flash Hocus Pocus, I loved his novelization of the CW characters and wanted to give this a try. And I enjoyed this one so much, that even though I bought the eBook for me to read I have picked up a physical copy to give my girls for Christmas and look forward to rereading it with them. This is an all new series, and this is the first novelization that is true to the CW TV version of Supergirl.

The description of the book is:

"Supergirl (aka Kara Danvers) has been running across average citizens performing amazing feats all over National City. But that's not even the weirdest thing going on. The Department of Extranormal Operations has captured a mysterious humanoid sea creature. Supergirl must find out what has drawn him to National City, and his connection to this surge of super-citizens. Written by celebrated author Jo Whittemore, this is one adventure fans of the TV series won't want to miss!"

But to be honest it is so much more than that. What I loved while reading this book, and look forward to with my daughters is taking the characters we know and using our imagination to picture then in this adventure. The book is geared to that YA Teen market. I created my own movie in my mind while reading this book. The book is not a difficult read. My oldest will likely breeze through it. But we will take turns reading it to my youngest. Because of the age it is written for the pace is quick and maintained throughout the novel.

For fans of the series you will love this novel. If you enjoy super hero novelizations it is a very solid read in that genre. And if you have younger children at home it is an excellent book to read together. I very much enjoyed this one and look forward to the next instalment. And checking out other books by Jo.

Books by Jo Whittemore:
Front Page Face-Off
Colonial Madness
Odd Girl In
D Is for Drama
Me Mom vs. the World

The Silverskin Legacy Series:
Escape From Arylon
Curse of Arastold
Onaj's Horn

Confidentially Yours Series:
Brooke's Not-So-Perfect Plan
Vanessa's Fashion Face-Off
Heather's Crush Catastrophe
The Secret Talent
Brooke's Bad Luck
Vanessa's Design Dilemma

Girls Who Code:
Lights, Music, Code! #3

Supergirl Series:
Supergirl Age of Atlantis
Supergirl Curse of the Ancients

Contributed to:

Dear Teen Me: Authors Write Letters to Their Teen Selves

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