Monday 29 January 2018

Twenty Tales of Irish Saints - Alice Curtayne

Twenty Tales of Irish Saints
Alice Curtayne
Sophia Institute Press
ISBN 9781928832386

This book was a wonderful surprise. I came across it browsing the resources on the Formed website. I was immediately captured by the subject. I have found that whenever I read about Celtic saints my faith is challenged and inspired. And it proved true this time also. The author herself notes in a forward to the book:

"All the stories in this book are about real people who lived long ago in Ireland. But even though these people really lived, the stories about them are just legends. Whether such things really happened or not, I am sure you will agree with me that the stories in this book are lovely, interesting, and worth knowing."
And having read this book myself and now starting to read it with my children I completely agree.

The Saints in this book are:
1 Patrick
2 Brigid
3 Brendan
4 Finnian
5 Columcille
6 Colman of Kilmacduagh
7 Adamnan
8 Benignus
9 Ciaran
10 Cormac
11 Modomnoc
12 Flannan
13 Finbarr
14 Colman-Elo
15 Canice
16 Columbanus
17 Laurence O'Toole
18 Thaddeus MacCarthy
19 Gall
20 The Young Monk

After the stories about the saints there is a section of the book with a brief, and I mean very brief biography about each of the saints. Two or three lines at most, and key dates.  I loved this collection and can see myself going back to it from time to time for inspiration and encouragement in my own faith. And I pray my children will love this book as much as I do. It is an incredible little collection of stories of faith and courage and a few miracles.

I love this new edition of this book published by Sophia Institute Press, and I hope they bring out her other volume of about saints for young readers, More Tales of Irish Saints. For if it as anywhere as good as this volume it will be another wonderful read. My only regret in discovering this wonderful book is that so many of the authors other works are currently out of print. Thankfully this incredible volume is available both as a physical and eBook. A wonderful read!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books and Booklets by Alice Curtayne:
A Recall to Dante
Francis Ledwidge: A Life of the Poet
Lough Derg: St. Patrick's Purgatory
Patrick Sarsfield
Saint Anthony of Padua
St. Bernard Doctor of The Church 1933

Books Edited by Alice Curtayne:
The Complete works of Francis Ledwidge

Books Translated by Alice Curtayne:
Labours in the Vineyard by Giovanni Papin

Books Contributed to by Alice Curtayne:

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