Thursday 15 February 2018

Divine Mercy in My Pocket - Marianne Lorraine Trouvé

Divine Mercy in My Pocket
Marianne Lorraine Trouvé
Mary Joseph Peterson (Illustrator),
Laura Rosemarie McGowan (Assistant Illustrator)
Pauline Books and Media
ISBN 9780819819130

This is a wonderful little booklet. It does an excellent job of explaining Divine Mercy to children. But it can really be used by anyone. My son was fascinated by this booklet from the moment we opened the package. He has an audio version of the divine mercy chaplet that he prays way most days. He loved the explanations in this book both of why and how to pray it but also of the works of mercy.

The sections in this booklet are:
What Is Divine Mercy?
Who Is Saint Faustina?
How Do I Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet?
What Do the Three Prayers Mean?
What Is Divine Mercy Sunday?
How Can I Share Mercy with Others?
Corporal Works of Mercy

  1. Feed the Hungry
  2. Give Drink to the Thirsty
  3. Clothe the Naked
  4. Shelter the Homeless
  5. Visit the Sick
  6. Visit the Imprisoned
  7. Bury the Dead
Spiritual Works of Mercy
  1. Instruct the Ignorant
  2. Counsel the Doubtful
  3. Correct Sinners
  4. Bear Wrongs Patiently
  5. Forgive Offenses Willingly
  6. Comfort the Afflicted
  7. Pray for the Living And the Dead
Each of the works of mercy has a nearly full-page piece of artwork. And below it an example a child can follow to live that work of mercy. the illustrations and the samples are wonderful. This is an awesome little booklet. My children love it and I enjoyed reading it with them.

A wonderful little booklet that we recommend!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

Other books about Divine Mercy and Saint Faustina:

Books by Marianne Lorraine Trouvé:
Mary: Help in Hard Times
A Scriptural Rosary
Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer Book
Angels: Help from on High
Novena St Thomas Aquinas: Patron of Students and Catholic Schools
Divine Mercy in My Pocket
Purgatory Purifying Power
My Favorite Prayers & Novena
Praying Mysteries of Light
Praying the Rosary for Priests
Our Lady Undoer of Knots: Novena and Prayers
The Rosary with Pope Francis

Consecrated Life: John Paul II
Saint Thomas Aquinas: Saints By Our Side

Encounter the Saints Series:
Saint Catherine Labouré: And Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Saint Clare of Assisi: A Light for the World
Saint Thomas Aquinas: Missionary of Truth

Books contributed to:
The Catholic Answer Book of Mary
Honoring Mary with the Holy Father
Pope Francis in the U.S.: Words of Mercy and Hope

Books Edited by Marianne Lorraine Trouvé:
Mary Leads Us to Jesus
Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church: Documents on the Blessed Virgin Mary

Ordinary Grace Daily Reflections:
Ordinary Grace, Weeks 1-17
Ordinary Grace, Weeks 18-34
Easter Grace

Translated by:
Adventures of Saint Paul

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much, Steven, I'm so happy that you and your children like this! Hopefully it will help to spread the Divine Mercy devotion. May God bless you!
    Sr Marianne
