Saturday 10 February 2018

Some Suggested Reading Options for Lent 2018

2018 Some Suggested Reading Options for Lent

I have used all of these books at least once in the past. Some I use annually. Links on the titles go to full reviews of the books if I have written them.

Francis Fernandez
ISBN 0906138205
Scepter Press
ISBN 0906138191
In Conversation with God Volume 2 Part 1 Lent and Holy Week
In Conversation with God Volume 2 Part 2 Eastertide

This volume spans the time from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost Sunday. Therefore this book will lead you through Lent, Easter and the 5 weeks of Easter leading up to Pentecost. If you cannot afford the whole set, start with this volume and the Advent and Christmastide volume, then add the others over time. It is usually cheaper to buy the boxed set but sometimes that amount of money is not available up front. You can read my full review of this book here. And these are now available in ebooks. The eBook edition is split into 2 volumes.

Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter 
ISBN 9780764826870

I have read Amy's Reconciled to God Daily Lenten Devotionsand her contributions in other devotionls. I am looking forward to reading this new offering from her. The Description of this volume is "This Lent and Easter season, author Amy Welborn shares her own struggles and triumphs of trying to live Lent and Easter spirituality year-round. She shares how small moments of frustration can turn into small lessons of grace. We carry our own crosses alongside Jesus this season. But as we drop worldly concerns to pick up our cross, we may realize our burden has actually been lightened."

This series comprises 26 Books, 26 Topics, and 20 Questions on different aspects of Catholicism or Catholic answers to other religions. I recently read a challenge to read all 26 books in this series over lent. I was originally planning on reading them over a year, but after reading this volume I am up for the challenge. To read them all over lent would be about 25 pages of reading a day. Here is the list of books in this series.

Best Lent Ever - Matthew Kelly
The Dynamic Catholic Institute

This is a series of daily messages and videos delivered directly into your mailbox. Last year I did the lent and advent series and really got a lot out of them so I am looking forward to the lent messages again this year.

Rediscover Lent
Matthew Kelly
St. Anthony Messenger Press
ISBN 9781616362379
eISBN 9781616364236

I have yet to read anything my Matthew Kelly that did not help grow my faith. I love the daily email from The Dynamic Catholic Institute, and I really look forward to reading this book over lent. I know that this book is a series of excerpts from Rediscover Catholicism, but I have yet to read that book. This should be an awesome tool this year.

Welcome Risen Jesus
Sarah A. Reinhard
Liguori Publications
ISBN 9780764820748

Last year I read the book Sarah edited, Word by Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary and absolutely loved it. And this past advent we read Welcome Baby Jesus with the kids and it was amazing. I am really looking forward to her insights on lent and the reflections and action points for the kids.

Lenten Meditations with Fulton J. Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen
Liguori Publications
ISBN 9780764816840

Last year I finished listening to Life Changers by Greg Willits, in it he focuses on knowing the faith, living the faith and sharing the faith. A few different times he recommends reading something by Fulton J. Sheen, so I picked up this devotion for Lent. Now to be honest I was a little disappointed, at first, it is only a short quote and a related bible verse. But after reading a few, even though it will be the shortest daily resource I expect some real gem's from this book.

If you have some must have recommendations for Lenten readings please add them in the comments.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

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