Saturday 24 February 2018

Testing Liberty - Theresa Linden - Chasing Liberty Book 2

Testing Liberty
Chasing Liberty Book 2
Theresa Linden
Linden Publishing

ISBN 9780996816823
eISBN 9780996816830

Theresa Linden is one of those gems of a find. I only started reading her books last spring, and in under a year I have read 8 of her books. And to be honest if I did not have over 100 books in my to be read pile when I discovered her writings, I would have read all her books by now. I have read two books in each of her series, Chasing Liberty and The West Brothers, I have read a side short story for one of the series and both her other published short stories. I have appreciated everything I have read, and I have loved most of them. Linden's works remind me most of two famous authors, both of whom won the Newbery Medal twice, they are Madeleine L'Engle and Lois Lowry. And I believe that in time Linden's series will come to be considered classics in youth literature. And should be on the curriculum for Children's Lit courses and in schools! Last year I read 380 books, and Chasing Liberty, was number 2 on my top 10 list for the year! In a previous review I stated: "If we were to do a direct comparison between L'Engle and Linden then the Chasing Liberty Series would be the Kairos series and the West Brothers would be the Chronos series. And in many ways Liberty reminds me of Meg Murry in many ways, but in a much more dystopian future. And if we were to compare Chasing Liberty to Lois Lowry's writings it is much like The Giver, except with a clear-cut Christian under pinning. And from what I have read both series are wonderfully written." And the more I read the more I stand by that statement.  

In book one, Liberty 554-062466-84, was rescued from the regime, and was relocated to a colony in the wilderness. But when she found out her friend in the home for older people was not going to be rescued, she decided to take action herself. And it ended with her in prison back in control of Regimen Custodia Terra. And that is where we begin book two.

Liberty is being kept in a cell, sleep deprived, and under nourished. It is phase one of her reeducation. But things are starting to change in Aldonia. When she is rescued she believes all the adults captured from the settlement were rescued, until she finds out who her rescuer is. But almost immediately Dedrick shows up and really rescues her. She begins training wants to join the Mosheh and help to rescue those who were captured because of her, and also to help free other Aldonians who want to leave. They need to stage three rescues that need to take place, with primary children, teens and adults. Mixed in with all of this is Dr. Supero, who is becoming more and more unpredictable as he seeks to find a way to remove his brain tumor. 

The characters in this book, this series are amazing. From Liberty a young woman who is learning what true freedom is, and not just for herself but wanting it for all people. To Dedrick, a young man who has risked his life saving and serving others for almost 4 years. And then we have Dr. Supero a many who is slowly losing everything he believes in, and is desperate to hold on to it, especially his life. And in this book, we learn more about the Mosheh and how their council operates. We learn some of their history. And it is starting to feel like history is about to repeat itself. The question is will it be a totalitarian regime or a revolution? 

This book is an excellent read and part of a wonderful series. It has great characters, fast paced plot, and a very intriguing story. But it will leave you desperate for book three. This book is a great read for pre-teens through to adult. And I recommend it to all who are looking for a great read!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Theresa Linden:
Tortured Soul

Chasing Liberty Series:
01 Chasing Liberty
02 Testing Liberty
03 Fight For Liberty
Bound to find Freedom - Short Story


West brothers Series:
Roland West Loner
Life-Changing Love
Battle for His Soul

Standing Strong
Roland West Outcast
Fire Starters

Armour of God Series:
Belt of Truth
Breastplate of Righteousness
Boot of Peace
Shield of Faith
Helmet of Salvation
Sword of the Spirit

Armor of God Series Second Edition:

Other Books:
A Symbol of Hope - Short Story
A Battle for the Faith (with John Paul Wohlscheid)


Books contributed to:
Image and Likeness: Literary Reflections on the Theology of the Body
Secrets: Visible & Invisible 7 Amazing Stories - Catholic Teen Books
Gifts Visible & Invisible 8 Christmas Stories for Teens
Treasures: Visible & Invisible 8 Stories for Teens

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