Wednesday 14 March 2018

Time Bomb - Joelle Charbonneau

Time Bomb
Joelle Charbonneau
HMH Books for Young Readers
ISBN 9780544416703
eISBN 9781328476869

I have not kept up on all of Joelle Charbonneau's books, but after reading this one I was reminder that I should be! This was the fifth novel or novella that I have read by Charbonneau and all of them were excellent. This is one of those novels that could be taken from the news headlines. But it has a number of unique twists in the plot. I will warn you once you start reading this book you will not want to put it down. Charbonneau's The Testing, was in excellent dystopian novel, and beginning of a trilogy. Her book Need, pushes the bounds of social experiments, and how far someone would go to get what they want. And in this book a thriller with more than one big bang.

The dedication of this book is: "To the students and teachers of Fenton High School - you taught me first impressions are never as important as what comes after." And that sentiment will play a major role in this story. And this story begins with a quote from George R.R. Martin "Nobody is the villain in their own story.", and we see that play out in the unfolding of this story as well. The first chapter of this book is title 1:51 PM, but then flips to earlier that day 8:35 AM and the 45th chapter begins at 2:05 PM. The majority of this story takes place over those 6 hours. 

Our Cast of Characters are:
Diana - congressman's daughter
Rashid - young Islamic teen
Z - mother has just passed away, and is being evicted  
Tad - a gay football player
Cas - musician, overweight, outcast, bullied
Frankie - captain of the football team, had a moment with Tad
Kaitlin - badly injured

Around 12:03 PM a bomb goes off in the school. From the introductions to most of our characters it is possible they were responsible. Kaitlin is the only one who does not seem a possible suspect. But once the bomb goes off each of these 7 are trying to survive and as they are making their way through the wreckage a second bomb goes off. Emergency responders are injured in the second blast, thus slowing the search and rescue efforts. Also, they have heard that a bomber was caught, but one of the 7 is also in on the plot. 

This book takes the high school experience to the most intense levels. It looks are very real situations that students face every day. It has questions about religious persecution, bullying, taking responsibility, wanting to kill yourself and more. And Puts it all in a very tense and stressful situation. And it des it very realistically.  

As stated this is a book that once you begin reading you will not want to stop. It was very hard to put down. And the only thing that helped me do so was the requirement to begin my day at work. You will find yourself connecting with the characters, you will also think on your own interactions with others and the impact your words and actions have. Another great read from the pen of Charbonneau, she has an ability to craft addictive stories and this is one of them. 

Books by Joelle Charbonneau:
Time Bomb

Dividing Eden:
0.5 Into the Garden
1.0 Dividing Eden
2.0 Eden Conquered 
2.5 Forbidden Fruit 

The Testing:
The Testing Guide - Short Story Prequel
The Testing - The Testing Book #1
Independent Study - The Testing Book #2
Graduation Day - The Testing Book #3

The Skating Series:
Skating on the Edge
Skating Over the Line
Skating Around the Law
Skating Under the Wire

The Glee Club Series:
Murder for Choir
End Me A Tenor
A Chorus Lineup

Contributed to:
Among The Shadows: 13 Stories of Darkness & Light
Terminal Damage: A Do Some Damage Collection
Collateral Damage: A Do Some Damage Collection
Crime Factory Issue 7

Author Profile and Interview with Joelle Charbonneau

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