Tuesday 29 May 2018

Bound to Find Freedom - Theresa Linden - Chasing Liberty 0.5

Bound to Find Freedom
Chasing Liberty 0.5
Theresa Linden
Linden Publishing
eISBN 9781310480638

I have read this short story twice now, before reading the Chasing Liberty Trilogy and again after. This short story is set before book 1 as a prequel. It is a great little read. It was very interesting reading it again after finishing the trilogy. This story is great to read either before of after the series, but if you read it after it will help give some great insight into characters and events that appear at different points in the series. 

 This story is set in the near future, a Totalitarian regime has taken over the world. The population is controlled in small city States. But this story focuses around a thirteen year old boy, Andy, who lives hidden in the wilderness with a surviving group of Christians. They will help others escape if they can and seem open to a different way of life. Andy’s older brother Dedrick has made a commitment to the Moshed and gets to go on dangerous missions. Andy feeling up to this work sneaks off one day, shirking his chores. But soon what he thinks will be a quick trip to join his brother turns far more dangerous than he ever expected. 

Andy comes to a realization during this story:
“Andy took it and gulped down cold water. As he handed the canteen back, something occurred to him. Sarkin’s athletic build suggested he could take care of himself, but his strength came more from within. Sarkin had been free, even while living in Aldonia—because he’d mastered himself. Despite the consequences, he did what he thought was right, spoke what he thought was true, and didn’t act impulsively on his desires. 
Anxious to fulfill his calling, unable to wait for the right time, Andy had taken for granted the freedom he had. Rather than hinder his freedom, his family ensured it. All these years, he’d lived free from agendas in a family that set its own course in a colony where the individual’s freedom was respected. They didn’t always agree but they were always free. Together.”
Andy get’s a glimpse of what it means to be really free, and what it means truly live to serve others. But this lesson came on the tail of a number of mistakes. Mistakes that could have cost Andy a great deal personally. 

This story has some of my favorite characters from the series outside of Liberty herself. We have encounters with Andy, Dedrick, and Sarkin. We also get a different look at the Torva. 

I consider Theresa Linden a master wordsmith. I cannot recall the last time I found an author I loved and devoured all of their works in such a short period of time. I have read all of her books and there is not one that I consider anything less than an excellent read.  

I have greatly appreciated everything I have read. Linden's works remind me most of two other excellent authors, both of whom won the Newbery Medal twice, they are Madeleine L'Engle and Lois Lowry. And I believe that in time Linden's series will come to be considered classics in youth literature. And should be on the curriculum for Children's Lit courses and in schools! Last year I read 380 books, and Chasing Liberty, was number 2 on my top 10 list for the year! In a previous review I stated: "If we were to do a direct comparison between L'Engle and Linden then the Chasing Liberty Series would be the Kairos series and the West Brothers would be the Chronos series. And in many ways Liberty reminds me of Meg Murry in many ways, but in a much more dystopian future. And if we were to compare Chasing Liberty to Lois Lowry's writings it is much like The Giver, except with a clear-cut Christian under pinning. And from what I have read both series are wonderfully written." And the more I read the more I stand by that statement. 

Therefore I can highly recommend this book, this series and all of Linden’s writings!  

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Theresa Linden:
Tortured Soul

Chasing Liberty Series:
01 Chasing Liberty
02 Testing Liberty
03 Fight For Liberty
Bound to find Freedom - Short Story


West brothers Series:
Roland West Loner
Life-Changing Love
Battle for His Soul

Standing Strong
Roland West Outcast
Fire Starters

Armour of God Series:
Belt of Truth
Breastplate of Righteousness
Boot of Peace
Shield of Faith
Helmet of Salvation
Sword of the Spirit

Armor of God Series Second Edition:

Other Books:
A Symbol of Hope - Short Story
A Battle for the Faith (with John Paul Wohlscheid)


Books contributed to:
Image and Likeness: Literary Reflections on the Theology of the Body
Secrets: Visible & Invisible 7 Amazing Stories - Catholic Teen Books
Gifts Visible & Invisible 8 Christmas Stories for Teens
Treasures: Visible & Invisible 8 Stories for Teens

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