Sunday 27 May 2018

Celebration of the Most Holy Trinity Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2018

Celebration of the Most Holy Trinity
Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2018

The readings for this weekend's mass are:

First Reading Deuteronomy 4:23-34, 29-40 
Responsorial Psalm 33: 4-6, 9, 18-22 Response 12
Second Reading Romans 8:14-17
Gospel Matthew 28:16-20

This week we had our confirmation mass. We had 96 confirmati but because our diocese does not have an auxiliary bishop currently the celebration was done by a visiting priest. 

I would ask your prayers for the 96 and their families. They come from the three primary schools associated with our parish. I also ask for prayers for those beginning the journey for their confirmation next year. My oldest is preparing a speech for the class on who she has chosen for her confirmation saint. The process begins now for the students. 

My prayers for you, and I covet your prayers for a special intention.

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