Tuesday 14 August 2018

Finnian and the Seven Mountains Issue 1 - Philip Kosloski and Michael Lavoy

Finnian and the Seven Mountains Issue 1 
Philip Kosloski
Philip A. Kosloski

Michael Lavoy (Illustrator)

I need to state two things at the beginning of this review. First is has been over 20 years since I have purchases a serialized comic as each issue came out. I tried last year when Cecil Castellucci’s Shade the Changing Girl Came out, but just find it hard to get into a weekly serial. If I am reading this format, I prefer the anthology format, or compiled graphic novel versions of story arcs. I am pretty sure the last comic I picked up an entire series for was Frank Miller’s Batman Year 1 that came out in 1987. But if the other volumes in this series are as good the counter on that might just reset.

Having read and loved Philip Kosloski’s The Last Monks of Skellig Michael, I was already familiar with the setting of this story, and it’s ties to the latest Star Wars movies. Over the last year I have also read numerous books by Alice Curtayne including a few collections of stories about Irish Saints. So the setting, characters and events, in this story are even more familiar. As such it is great to see this story come to life in a new format.

Philip Kosloski does a great job with the story, and Michael Lavoy does an excellent job with the illustrations and the lettering. The text is easy to follow, and the illustrations done with a bright vibrant pallet. It is interesting that based on the art and the story Brandon is portrayed or appears older and more mature than Finnian, when historically Brandon was about 15 years younger. 

I have read through this story twice now, once by myself and once with my son. He loved the illustrations, especially of Saint Michael the Archangel, he also asked a lot of questions about the Star Wars link. At 10 years old and determined to become a priest, he was familiar with both Brandon and Finnian from other books we have read this year.

This story is based on legends about Skellig Michael, and tales of historic Saints. It will bring to life, in a new way, saintly men who many might be unfamiliar with. And even if the reader is familiar with the stories to see it rather than just read it. I know my son would prefer a physical copy, but I am a devotee of the electronic format. It is a great beginning and we look forward to the continuing story. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Philip Kosloski:
Basic Field Manual for Hearing God's Voice
3 Methods of Prayer That Will Change Your Life
In the Footsteps of a Saint: John Paul II's Visit to Wisconsin
Star of the Sea: A Mariner's Journey
A Practical Guide to Discern God's Will
Serviam: A Practical Guide to Discerning God's Will
Distractions: A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Stay Focused During Prayer
The Horarium: A Simple Guide to Creating a Daily Prayer Schedule That Will Change Your Life
The Last Monks of Skellig Michael

The Tale of Patrick Peyton

Finnian and the Seven Mountains:
Issue 1
Issue 2

The Mission of Joan of Arc:
Issue 1

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