Tuesday 7 August 2018

YOUCAT Confession - YOUCAT

YOUCAT Confession

Catholic Truth Society
ISBN 9781784695552
eISBN 9781784695866

This past year I decided to read through the Catechism in a year. And I ended up ahead of schedule, so when I finished the Catechism of the Catholic Church, I moved on to The Compendium to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. So, I decided to read DOCAT: Catholic Social Teaching for Youth and I really enjoyed it. In fact I enjoyed it so much I am now reading YOUCAT: The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church. This year after I finished the Catechism I decided to read YOUCAT Confession. I have been going to confession for 40 years now, There were some sparsely and over the last number of years at least monthly.  This little book is an incredible read. And much as Young Adult fiction has a wide audience with adult readers, So should the YOUCAT, this book was an excellent read. 

The Sections in this book are:
Why it's great to seek reconciliation with God and how to do it.
2. IN & OUT
A different kind of "confession mirror"
How does it work?
What do you need?
What do you do?

The book has 4 pictographs to indicate special parts of the book they are:

" Quotations from various authors
! Information & Tips
A picture of a bible for quotes from Sacred Scriptures
A Yellow Book with a Y for YOUCAT Questions

In the first section of the book, written by Andreas Süß, INSTEAD OF A FORWARD, Father Andreas writes about his own experience with confession, and his experience at World Youth Day in 2005. He states about the Nightfever movement that grew out of that WYD, 
"Because we receive the liberating power of God's forgiveness in confession and begin again with God, and the joy that is experienced can really be seen. On one occasion a visitor addressed me directly. She had seen how a young woman had left confession completely resolved and happy. It was almost tangible to see the load that had been lifted from her shoulders. So, the woman approached me and said: "That's what I want too." She didn't know exactly how to go to confession but she had seen what happens when you do."
Further in the book they have three analogies for the book, when answering the question 'What is Confession?' the first two in the book are:
"Confession is like performing a regular update on my life. If I miss the update, then all my software is out-of-date. My Laptop is unprotected and exposed to viruses and trojan attacks."
"Confession is like taking a car for service. At least every 30,000 km the car needs to go to the garage. Otherwise it will stop working and the engine will break down. At least once a year - preferably before Easter - every Catholic should go to confession."
To find out the third you will need to read the book. These three examples were excellent. They got me thinking about something that happened a few weeks ago at church. The other two children and I were going to confession, and my oldest said she would wait. My wife asked he 'Are you just going to let your sins pile up like that?' and my oldest replied 'Not if you put it like that.' It makes me think about the 'In and Out List' in this book. This book also has an amazing question and answer section on many aspects of confession, repeat sins, circumstances and more. 

This book is an excellent read. I have read sections to my children ages, 11, 10 and 7. And as I approach 50 it is just as important a read for me. This book will benefit any Catholic who reads it, or anyone who is exploring the Catholic Faith. I highly recommend it.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Books from YOUCAT:
YOUCAT: The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
YOUCAT: Study Guide
YOUCAT: Youth Prayer Book
YOUCAT: Confirmation Book: Student Book
YOUCAT: Confession Book
DOCAT: Catholic Social Teaching for Youth
DOCAT Study Guide: What to Do?

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing your efforts with communicating God's love for all 8 billion of us, his images and likenesses. shalom. steve palmer
