Friday 14 September 2018

A Simple Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society

A Simple Prayer Book:
Including the Order of Mass New Translation
Catholic Truth Society
Paperback Edition
ISBN 9781860822599
CTS Booklet D665
Leatherette Presentation Edition
ISBN 9781860825989
CTS Booklet D711


A few months back I put together an order of books from the Catholic Truth Society. I ordered a few books that did not have eBook editions, and that I could not find in Canada. In that order I picked up 4 copies of this book, 1 for me and 1 for each of my three children. My mistake was not ordering more. I have already committed to giving mine away. And wish I had more on hand so I could give the copy I carry with me away and just replace it.

In this book you will find a wonderful collection of prayers. In the chapter on the order of the mass there are parallel Latin and English versions of many of the prayers. The sections in this book are:

Prayers and Devotions

Basic Prayers
Morning and Evening Prayer

   Morning Prayer
   During the Day
   The Angelus
   Evening Prayer
Prayers to the Holy Spirit
Penitential Prayers

   Sacrament of Reconciliation
   Examination of Conscience
   Going to Confession
   The Way of the Cross
Prayers to Our Lady
   The Holy Rosary
   Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions
   Act of Faith, Hope and Charity
   For the Faithful Departed
   Prayer of Saint Ignatius
   Prayer to Saint Michael
   In Temptation
   Prayer for the Pope
   Prayer for Vocations
   Prayer for Peace
   Prayer before a Crucifix
   A Night Prayer
The Divine Mercy

The Eucharist
The Order of Mass

   The Introductory Rites
   The Litury of the Word
   The Liturgy of the Eucharist
   The Communion Rite
   The Concluding Rites
If You Can't Get to Mass
   Spiritual Communion
Prayers for Holy Communion
   Before Holy Communion
   After Holy Communion
Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction
   A Visit to the Blessed Sacrament

Catholic Teacher
Summary of Christian Doctrine

   The Mass Simply Explained
   The Sunday Obligation
   Fasting and Abstinence
   Note on Indulgences

I have worked through this book twice now before writing this review. I really appreciate the simplicity of this little book. The order of the sections works incredibly well. I have been praying the Prayer for Priests almost daily since I fist came across it. I pray for the priests I know, and those in my diocese and the diocese I grew up in.

I really wish I had ordered 20 of these when I had them shipped from the UK. And I plan on saving up and buying copies for all the altar servers at our church as Christmas presents this year. Thought they likely would all be given away by now. I always have a few prayer books that I absolutely love and keep on me they are:

Handbook of Prayers by: Rev. James Socias General Editor
The Saints Pray for Us - Encounter The Saints 
The Pieta

And now I am adding this book to the list. I only have two regrets about this book. First, I will need to order a bunch and always keep them on hand, and second that it is not available as an eBook. This booklet is an excellent little prayer book, my children ages 12, 10, and 7 and I all love it. It is an excellent resource for your prayer life. We highly recommend it!

(On a side note, this book is available in several languages, I picked up a copy in Spanish because I am trying to learn that language, but it is also available in: Portuguese, Polish, Italian, Tagalog, German, Welsh, French.)

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Reviews of Other Prayer Books:
Handbook of Prayers by: Rev. James Socias General Editor
The Saints Pray for Us - Encounter The Saints Series
A Simple Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society
Marian Prayer Book - Catholic Truth Society

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