Friday 19 October 2018

3 Things to Forget - Cynthia T. Toney - Bird Face Book 4

3 Things to Forget
Bird Face Book 4
Cynthia T. Toney
Write Integrity Press
ISBN 9781944120627

This is the fifth novel by Cynthia Toney that I have read in the last year and a half. And it is with mixed emotions that I read and review this book. For the author has announced that this is the fourth and final novel in the Bird face series. I can only hope that like Madeleine L'Engle's character Meg, that maybe someday we will encounter Wendy again, maybe even as a mother herself. But that might just be fanciful wishing on my part. As a father of daughters, I find that I now read a lot of books that I would not have read in my own youth, or even earlier in my years as an adult. 

This book is what I would consider classic clean young adult fiction. There is no sex, but there is talk about it. There are no alternative lifestyles just for the sake of diversity. It is good clean Christian fiction. And it also falls within the realms of normal life fiction. It is an excellent read. And was very hard to put down. If you have read some of the other Bird face books you will be familiar with the characters and some of the events. 

The story begins with Wendy on a flight to Alaska. She is going to spend the summer with Sam's family and will be volunteering at an animal reserve. She is thankful to be away from home, and her recent breakup with David, and the whole uproar over the who tutoring for hire incident. She is working with Sam, and Levi and Levi's sister Devorah. Both Sam and Levi are deaf and use sign language to communicate. So, Wendy is trying to learn more American Sign Language. To begin work she is often paired with Devorah, and Devorah initially opens up to Wendy. From that point on Wendy is praying for guidance on how to her with all she is dealing with.

This book focuses around themes of friends and family. It also has the element of Wendy a Catholic girl trying to understand, help and pray for a Jewish friend. Devorah is acting out because of how she is feeling. And Wendy has seen how destructive that can be and is trying hard to provide wise counsel. Wendy is also there because her surrogate grandmother Mrs. V, Sam's grandmother, has Alzheimer's and is going down hill. 

This book had a few surprises. But readers young and not so young will love following Wendy as she tries to fit in away from home, and find a balance between helping and being a nuisance.  When you add in the scenery from the Alaskan setting, and the animals at the shelter it provides a wonderful backdrop for the story.

Another excellent read from the pen of Cynthia T. Toney. I know that I am hooked on her writing and am addicting my oldest daughter. I am sure if you give this book or the series a try you will love them also. An excellent read that will entertain and challenge!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Cynthia T. Toney:
The Other Side of Freedom

Bird Face Series:
8 Notes to a Nobody
10 Steps to Girlfriend Status
6 Dates to Disaster
3 Things to Forget

Contributed to:
Secrets: Visible & Invisible 7 Amazing Stories - Catholic Teen Books
Gifts Visible & Invisible 8 Christmas Stories for Teens
Ashes Visible & Invisible 10 Stories for Teens

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