Wednesday 24 October 2018

Charlotte's Honor - Ellen Gable - Great War Great Love Book 2

Charlotte's Honor
Great War Great Love #2
Ellen Gable
Full Quiver Publishing
ISBN 9781987970043

Over the last few years I have read a number of non-fiction books about Military Chaplains, and this book is not about a chaplain but about the same times and circumstances. This historical fiction book, and the other available in the series are both excellent reads. Once I heard that this book was coming out, it was immediately added to my to be read list. And it did not disappoint.

I stated in my review of book one of this series: “I must admit as a middle-aged man this book would not be my normal reading. I do read a lot of YA, but hardly any romance. And this book is really so much more than that.” But as a father of daughters who is trying to install a life long reading habit in them I find I read a lot of books with my kids that I would not pick up for myself. But as much as I look forward to reading this book with my girls when they are a little older, I was eager to read this book because of how much I enjoyed book one.

This story overlaps a little with book one and has a few cross over characters. But it can be read on its own. It is a complete story and what a story at that. The main characters in this novel are Charlotte Zielinski, a medical volunteer. She enlisted for service after her father had passed away and she received notice that he brother had been killed in the war. She had no family left and wishes to server helping other men like her brother. She has a special skill with men who are dying, and she ends up volunteering to serve in the death ward. Spending most of her time reading to, singing for, and just being present for those who are terminal. The other is Dr. Paul Kilgallen, a Canadian surgeon serving in the field hospital. Paul who has experienced loss, is determined not to be mired in a relationship. But after the two remain behind with the critically wounded, when the rest of the hospital is evacuated. The three days allows each to see the other in a new light. But in love and in war things do not always go as planned and as hoped. 

To find out what happens to these two you will need to read the book. Give it a try I am sure you will not be disappointed. I have yet to read a book from Full Quiver Publishing, that I did not really enjoy. The tag line for Full Quiver on their website is "Theology of the Body Fiction”. And I am following this author and all Full Quiver publications closely. Another great read by Ellen Gable and from FQ publishing. A great book for readers of all ages!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Ellen Gable:
O'Donovan Family Series:

On Name Only
A Subtle Grace


Great War Great Love Series:
Julia's Gifts
Charlotte's Honor

Ella's Promise

Other Books:
Emily's Hope
Stealing Jenny


Contributed to:

Come My Beloved: Inspiring Stories of Catholic Courtship

Word by Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary
Image and Likeness: Literary Reflections on the Theology of the Body

Ashes Visible & Invisible 10 Stories for Teens

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