Monday 29 October 2018

Marcus A Novel Depicting the Lives of the Early Christians in Rome - Father Michael E. Giesler

A Novel Depicting the Lives of the Early Christians in Rome 
Father Michael E. Giesler
Scepter Publishers

First let me be very clear, this book is an incredible read! But it is also hard to put it in place. This is the middle book of a trilogy, but until reading the back of this book I did not realize it was a trilogy. I was just under the impression that it was just one of several books by the author. I stated in my review of book 1, Junia The Fictional Life and Death of an Early Christian, "It is hard to find the books by Father Giesler, for they are published under many different variations on his names. For example, this book on the cover has the name Michael E. Giesler, book 2 Marcus has the name Michael Edward Giesler, and book 3 Grain Of Wheat does not even have a name on the cover.  From what I have found his books are published under the following names: Michael E. Giesler, Rev. Michael Giesler, Father Michael Giesler, Michael Edward Giesler and just Michael Giesler. Based on how wonderful this book was I have already picked up his three historical fiction novels and look forward to reading them. One other strange thing about this series before I get to the review, Books 1 and 3 have eBook, kindle and print editions, where book 2 only has a print edition. But back to this specific book." And I stand by that his books are published under many variations on his name, and as a trilogy it is not clearly indicated. So, to provide come clarity on the series, the Christian Historical Fiction Trilogy books are:

Junia (2002)
Marcus (2004)
Grain Of Wheat (2008)

The two books I have read are amazing. But let's focus on book two, the purpose for this review. This specific book, Marcus, was originally printed in 2004, and has been reprinted in 2006, 2009, and 2011 based on the copy that I read. It begins with a prelude that is a 2 page synopsis of Junia, I believe this book could be read on its own but reading it second makes a lot more sense. This book comes in at 127 pages, and 38 short chapters. This book begins with the statement that Marcus did not want to attend the execution of his sister and at first buried himself in his studies of philosophy. And the book covers a little over two years of time in the life of Marcus. 

Marcus is the son of Gaius Metellus, Consel of Rome, and Aurelia. He is the brother of Junia who died for her faith in Christ, for being a Christian against Roman law. He was saved from almost certain death by Dedicus. Soon he encounters Dedicus at the study and they become quick friends. When Marcus realizes that Dedicus and the others he has been introduced to are Christians at first, he pulls back. But soon finds in Christianity the answers he has been seeking in other philosophies. He finds the truth. And yet he knows that if he becomes a Christian and it becomes public, it will not only mean his death, but also the ruin of his father and mother. 

This book is a deeply moving read. It follows Marcus's journey from a philosopher, who pursued pleasure and knowledge, to a deeply devoted and sincere Christian. It is fictional but is historically accurate about the persecutions of Christians at that time, and they we might see again in our life time. This book goes a lot deeper into theological and philosophical reasons for becoming a Christian than the first book. 

An excellent read in what is shaping up to me an incredible trilogy! 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Rev. Michael Giesler:
You See Me, You Hear Me
Guidebook for Confessors
Family Grace: A Story of Conversion Through Friendship

Called by Name: Twelve Guideline Meditations for Diocesan Priests
Christ the Rejected Stone
How Christ Saves Souls―with Us: The Mystery of Co-Redemption

Spanish Editions:
Dios te ve y te oye


Christian Historical Fiction Trilogy:
Grain Of Wheat


Author Profile and Interview with Father Michael E. Giesler.

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