Thursday 15 November 2018

The Absence of War - Amy Welborn - A Short Story

The Absence of War
A Short Story
Amy Welborn 

I have read this story through twice. Actually, I read it once, and using text to speech listened to it on my walk home from work today. I have been a fan of Amy Welborn’s works since I first encountered them through Catholic bloggers, back in 2007 her blog Open Book, was one of the top 25 most visited Catholic Blogs. I fell in love with her writing style. And over the years have read a few of her books. But this is the first of her fiction I have encountered, and not only did I thoroughly enjoy it. I might have enjoyed it as much as her non-fiction.

The description of this book is minimalist:

“Mothers and daughters, faith lost, found and questioned. All before breakfast.”

It is an incredibly powerful story. It is at times amusing, but more often than not it causes deep reflection. The story focuses around 3 women, three generations, and stories about a fourth. It is a story about faith, lack of faith. It is about both looking back and reflecting forward. Dorothy is at home with her mother and her daughter. And there is talk of ger grandmother. Four generations of women in the family. The story is a mix of events that are taking place at the time of the story and remembrances and recounting.

What touched me most, and to be honest will have a lasting impact is the sense of other. Or to be more specific the recognition of other, not our impression, and memories, but a true encounter. It is not said, but what it reminds me of is the passage ‘Lord open my eyes to see.’. And that is what the story has done, helped me to see differently. 

An excellent story. More than worth the price and time to read. And I can only hope that Mrs. Welborn decides to share more of her fiction with us, If it is as good as this it will be a treat indeed!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2018 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Amy Welborn:
Reconciled to God Daily Lenten Devotions
Wish You Were Here: Travels Through Loss and Hope
A Catholic Woman's Book of Days
de-Coding Da Vinci: The Facts Behind the Fiction of the Da Vinci Code
Loyola Kids Book of Saints
Loyola Kids Book of Heroes: Stories of Catholic Heroes and Saints throughout History
Prove It! God
Prove It! Church
Prove It! Jesus
Prove It! The Catholic Teen Bible
Here. Now. a Catholic Guide to the Good Life
The Words We Pray
Praying the Rosary: With the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries
Decoding Mary Magdalene: Truth, Legend, and Lies
Come Meet Jesus: An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI
Be Saints! An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI

Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion
Mary and the Christian Life: Scriptural Reflections on the First Disciple
Adventures in Assisi: On the Path with St. Francis: On the Path with St. Francis
Prepare Him Room: Advent Family Devotions
Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter 
Parables: Stories of the Kingdom
The Absence of War
Relatable and Authentic, Transparent, So Real
All Will Be Well
Nothing Else Occurs To Me
A Reason for Everything

Prove It Series:
Prove It! God
Prove It! Church
Prove It! Jesus
Prove It! Prayer
Prove It! You
Prove It! The Catholic Teen Bible

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