Monday 28 January 2019

Praying the Angelus Find Joy, Peace, and Purpose in Everyday Life - Jared Dees

Praying the Angelus
Find Joy, Peace, and Purpose in Everyday Life
Jared Dees
Ave Maria Press
ISBN 9781594716737
eISBN 9781594716744


Prior to reading this book I had only ever prayed the Angelus a few times, those few times it was instigated and lead by a spiritual director while we walked and after we had prayed the rosary together. I was somewhat familiar with the tradition of the Angelus as a prayer and in art. But it had not been a significant part of my personal devotion. This book changed that. I am thankful for another review of this book I came across and that sparked my interest in the title. I read this book over a year before writing this review. The reason for the delay was that it is easy to read a book, or go to a retreat, event or conference and come back spiritually fired up and with new commitments. But also, just as easy for those habits to fall by the wayside. I wanted to see if this would be a new habit that would last and stick, or not before reviewing the book.

Now I will be completely honest I do not typically pray this prayer three times a day. I always pray it at noon, often pray it in the morning and occasionally pray it at 3 in the afternoon. I have email reminders for 5:55am and 11:55am so that I am prompted to pray it. It has truly been a blessing to add this devotion to my spiritual practice, and to have it last 18 months now. And therefore, I am writing the review. Now back to the book.

The Angelus as a devotion has been around and recognized for centuries. In this book Dees introduces readers to the history and significance of this prayer in church history and for the church today. Dees has written a series of meditations and reflections on both the Angelus and the Regina Caeli (Said in place of the Angelus during the Easter season from Easter to Pentecost.). His explorations are through words and images (artwork). The sections in this volume are:

The Angelus
The Regina Caeli
An Invitation
Origins of the Angelus and the Regina Caeli
How to Pray the Angelus
What to Expect
Why Pray the Angelus Today?
Angelus Meditations
     The Angel of the Lord Declared unto Mary
     And She Conceived of the Holy Spirit
     Behold the Handmaid of the Lord
     Be It Done unto Me According to Thy Word
     And the Word Was Made Flesh
     And Dwelt Among Us
     Pray for Us, O Holy Mother of God
     That We May Be Made Worthy of the Promises of Christ
     Pour Forth, We Beseech Thee O Lord, Thy Grace into Our Hearts
     That We to Whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son,
     Was Made Known by the Message of an Angel
     May by His Passion and Cross Be Brought to the Glory of His Resurrection
     Through the Same Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Regina Caeli Meditations
     Queen of Heaven, Rejoice, Alleluia
     For He, Whom You Did Merit to Bear, Alleluia
     Has Risen, as He Said, Alleluia
     Pray for Us to God, Alleluia
     Rejoice and Be Glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia
     For the Lord Has Truly Risen, Alleluia
     O God, Who Gave Joy to the World through the Resurrection of Thy Son,
    Our Lord Jesus Christ, Grant, We Beseech Thee
     That through the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother
     We May Obtain the Joys of Everlasting Life

This book serves as a guide to the Angelus for both those familiar with it and newcomers to the devotion. This is a wonderful read and will likely inspire you and change your prayer life. I give this book my highest recommendation for not only is it an easily accessible read, it is just as easy to implement and is very practical.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2019 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Jared Dees:
31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator
To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach: The Essential Guide to Ministry in Today's Catholic Church
Praying the Angelus: Find Joy, Peace, and Purpose in Everyday Life
Christ in the Classroom: Lesson Planning for the Heart and Mind
The Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith) Study Guide: A Companion to Pope Francis's First Encyclical
Sunday Prayer for Catholic School Teachers 2013-14

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