Wednesday 11 September 2019

The Development Plan - Team Body Project - Alex and Daniel Bartlett

The Development Plan
Team Body Project
Alex and Daniel Bartlett

This is the first of the non-real Start plans from team Body project that I have completed. At the time of publishing this article I have hit play every day for the last 81 days. I have completed the Real Start, Real Start Evolve, and Real Start Plus. Before giving this program a try. Some of it I found harder than the real start but most of it was not. Daniel has said in a life Facebook discussion that this is the real starting point. And I would agree with that. If you are new to exercise, returning after a long layoff, or even recovering from injury this really is a great place to start. But what ever you are thinking of doing, Team Body project has a program that will be right for you and the resources they provide are excellent. 

The videos in the plan are led either by Alex Bartlett or Daniel Bartlett, and one lead by a Katie. And the only equipment you need are some light weights and a mat. The workouts in The Development Plan are:

Week 1:
Cardio Breeze – with Katie
Cardio Compassion
Movement Compassion
Get Moving 1
Pilates Pre Phase

Week 2:
Resistance Cardio Starter
Get Moving Cardio
Cardio Compassion 2
Starter Boxer
Get Moving 2
Standing Pilates

The workouts vary in length from 21 minutes to just over 49 minutes. Only 4 of the 12 workouts use weights. Both 2 of those are the longest. And they are both great workouts. 

Team Body Project is a website, an app and a community. The private community on Facebook and the forums on the website are very supportive and encouraging. But what really helped me is that the workouts in the Real Start programs and the Development Plan are geared for anyone. If you are still not certain you should check out Kylie Young’s story (in real Start Evolve) or the other testimonials on the site.

And most important of all you can try before you buy. If you create a free membership on the site you will have access to the first week of The Development Plan and Real Start, Trainee Plan, Apprentice Plan and Graduate Plan. Plus, many other videos you can test and try before you decide if you want to commit. And if you go with the annual payment it is just $10/month at the time of writing this review. 

I have said it before TBP is one of the best resources for health and fitness that I have ever come across. And I have been working out off and on for almost 40 years now. And with the option to try and buy with no cost up front you have nothing to lose, but greater health and well being to gain. You can even do the first whole week of this plan with the free membership. Why not give TBP a try. And I hope I will see you in the forms. 

Another excellent workout plan from Team Body Project!

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