Friday 1 November 2019

Jack in the Green - Diane Capri - Hunt For Reacher Book 2.5

Jack in the Green
Hunt For Reacher Book 2.5
Diane Capri
August Books
eISBN 9781940768021

This is the fifth of Diane Capri’s Jack books that I have read, in as many weeks. And it is a pretty good addition to the series. This one is more of a long short story or short novella than a novel. I read this one on my commute home one day. These stories are something you can really sink your teeth into, especially if you are a fan of the Jack Reacher books crime mystery thriller stories. I was hooked after reading the first story in this series and know I will be reading them all. At this point I am just about halfway through the ones currently available. I am trying to pace myself at about a book a week. I have already picked up the eBooks for all that are currently available. And plan on reviewing one a week until I have reviewed them all. In the six months before beginning to read this series I read 29 Jack Reacher Novels and short stories by Lee Child. And somehow, I stumbled upon these books while preparing one of my reviews, I did recall my dad having mentioned them. So, I decided to give one a try. And I am very thankful that I did. I typically read a couple hundred books a year, and the last few years have been over 300 a year. And at the pace I am going I will finish off this series un under a year from my first Reacher read. These stories are great reads for Reacher fans. But they are written well enough that they could be read on their own. So they are excellent reads for any fans of crime literature, mysteries, or thrillers. A warning though, they really ought to be read in order, something I must admit that is something that I often do not do, but in this case am sticking to the order. Lee Child himself has even plugged these books in the Reacher Report. And they deserve the applause. 

In this part of the saga of FBI special agents Kim Otto and Carlos Gaspar are hunting for Jack Reacher in Tampa Florida. They team up with Judge Willa Carson, investigative journalist Jessica Kimball, and attorney Jennifer Lane. But right from the get-go both are leery. The know that retired Army Colonel Thomas Weston is returning to MacDill Air Force Base for a public event. He has not been on American soil in sixteen years.  They see him as an easy target for his enemies, and specifically Jack Reacher. The question is why is Weston setting himself up as bait. And is Reacher the only one with an ax to grind against this man. 

This was a fun read. And I was informed this one those Capri’s Reacher series to her justice series. Which has just added a whole bunch of other books into my to be read pile. I am enjoying the Hunt For Reacher books almost as much as the original stories. They are great read and I highly recommend them. 

Books by Diane Capri:
Hunt for Reacher Series:

1.0 Don’t Know Jack
1.1 Jack in a Box
1.2 Jack and Kill
2.0 Get Back Jack
2.5 Jack in the Green
3.0 Jack and Joe
4.0 Deep Cover Jack
5.0 Jack the Reaper
6.0 Black Jack
7.0 Ten Two Jack
8.0 Jack of Spades
9.0 Prepper Jack

10.0 Full Metal Jack
Justice Series:
1.0 Due Justice
2.0 Twisted Justice
3.0 Secret Justice
4.0 Wasted Justice
5.0 Raw Justice
5.5 Mistaken Justice
6.0 Cold Justice
6.1 False Justice
6.2 Fair Justice
6.3 True Justice
7.0 Hunt for Justice
8.0 Night Justice

Jess Kimball Series:
0.5 Fatal Enemy
1.0 Fatal Distraction
2.0 Fatal Demand
3.0 Fatal Error
4.0 Fatal Fall
4.5 Fatal Edge
5.0 Fatal Game
6.0 Fatal Bond
6.5 Fatal Past
7.0 Fatal Dawn

Heir Hunter Series:
1.0 Blood Trials
2.0 Trace Evidence

Jordan Fox Mysteries:
False Truth Part One
False Truth Part Two
False Truth Part Three
False Truth Part Four
False Truth Part Five
False Truth Part Six
False Truth Part Seven
False Truth Part Eight
False Truth Part Nine
False Truth Part Ten
False Truth Part Eleven

The Park Hotel Mysteries Series:
1.0 Reservation with Death
2.0 Early Check Out
3.0 Room with a Clue
4.0 Late Arrival

Other Books:
Angel of Music

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