Tuesday 3 December 2019

The Accidental Marriage - Roger Thomas

The Accidental Marriage
Roger Thomas

Ignatius Press
ISBN 9781586179083
eISBN 9781681494609

This was the second book by Roger I have read in the last 2 weeks. I almost put this book down immediately. And to be honest nearly put it down a few times before I was a third of the way through it. What stopped me was rave reviews from friends and authors I respect and trust. I had no idea what this book was about when I picked it up. I loved Under that Watchful Sky and was offered a review copy of this volume. I had not even read the description. The story begins with a dream, and we soon find out the story revolves around a gay and lesbian couple. 

Scott and Greg have been together for a little while, and Scott is frustrated and dissatisfied. Megan and Diane have their own issues. But Scott and Megan are friends. They meet for lunch occasionally during the workday. Diane is pressuring Megan to have a baby for her. And because money is tight, Scott offers to be the donor. After two failed attempts of a manual transfer, Scott and Megan try the old fashioned method. And it works. But When Diane finds out she is furious. Soon Diane’s manipulation and abuse of Megan is too much and she ends up moving in with Scott. They marry so he can out her on his medical coverage. And soon the two are preparing their place for the little one to arrive.

This story is about Scott stepping up and helping a friend. And then when that friend’s situation worsens, stepping up even more. Both Scott and Megan grow and discover more about themselves, their pasts, and the choices that led them to where we find them at the beginning of the story. Scott ends up getting help and being mentored by a sacristan at the local Catholic church. Megan seeks help from Helge a Lutheran woman who helped them out at a desperate time.  Both characters grow and learn who they are and are learning who they want to be. And they are both working to overcome their past. 

The book was easy enough to read. But the setting, especially at the beginning will not be for all readers. I have had friends and family who have lived alternative lifestyles going on thirty years now. There is a lot portrayed in this book that the mainstream media, and politically correct commentary would never tell you. But from stories I have heard, much of it is realistic. And to be honest much of it is denied. This is not a book for all readers. But it is an important book, and Roger should be commended for writing on such topics. Marriage, the gay lifestyle, prolife, pro choice are all hot topics in our current culture. 

There are several books with the same title. And they cover a broad range of stories. In this book a few times the characters refer to ‘a technical marriage’. I feel that might have been a better title. Like I mentioned earlier, this book almost ended up on my ‘did not finish’ pile. But I am thankful that I finished it. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2019 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Roger Thomas:
The Accidental Marriage
From Afar
The Last Ugly Person: And Other Stories

The Ghosts of Midgard Manor And Other Stories
The Crown Jewels of Undlar

Watchful Sky Series:
Under the Watchful Sky
Rising Darkness
The Wounded Land
The Tattered Web

Author profile and interview with Roger Thomas.

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