Wednesday 15 January 2020

Deck the Halls A Canadian Christmas Carol - Helaine Becker and Werner Zimmermann

Deck the Halls: 
A Canadian Christmas Carol 
Helaine Becker 
Werner Zimmermann (Illustrator)
ISBN 9781443148368

Six years ago as a family we first read A Porcupine in a Pine Tree: A Canadian 12 Days of Christmas, and loved it. It has remained a favorite of the children. This year my youngest brought home from her school library both Deck the Halls: A Canadian Christmas Carol and Dashing through the Snow: A Canadian Jingle Bells for us to read together. We dug out the original and read these three back to back twice. Because I review books my youngest has insisted that we review both the ones she brought home. 

We have mixed ratings for these books: 
My youngest daughter (9) 5/5 Stars
My son (11) 4/5 Stars
Me (50ish) 4/5 Stars

They are fun books, and it is nearly impossible to read them without singing them. In fact, my youngest brought them home so that we could sing them, and her brother could play it on the piano. For me the first one was wonderful, and is very popular by the 5 different editions including a box set with a stuffie of the porcupine. This one has 1 other edition a board book version. They are fun and the kids love them but maybe over worked.

It was fun to return to the same characters. It is fun and the illustrations are fantastic. The lodge keeps getting more and more crowded as the versus progress. The kids love the illustrations. And they love singing the book.

A good picture book, just not as good as the first.

Holiday books by Helaine Becker  and Werner Zimmermann:
A Porcupine in a Pine Tree: A Canadian 12 Days of Christmas
Deck the Halls: A Canadian Christmas Carol 
Dashing through the Snow: A Canadian Jingle Bells 


1 comment:

  1. Dear McEvoy Family, thank you for the review. I sincerely appreciate your comments. Try as one might, it's not always easy to match the first. I agree, the first is special. I did try very hard to make the others just as silly, but just not the same. I am indeed happy to read that everyone enjoyed the pictures and loved singing along. I consider it a success if they make you smile or laugh or giggle or sing. 'Seems it worked! Thank you McEvoy Family reviewers for your excellent work. Best wishes, Werner
