Wednesday 22 January 2020

Four Favourite Workouts - Team Body Project - Alex and Daniel Bartlett

Four Favourite Workouts
Team Body Project
Alex and Daniel Bartlett

I have now completed 9 workout plans with TBP and as of the posting of this review worked 6 months straight using TBP videos. I love following the plans, but there are a few workouts I use for active rest days, or when time is very crunched, and I just want and need to hit play. Three of those workouts are stand alone, and the fourth is part of a plan I have not done yet. This review will focus on four individual workouts: Flow, Power Flow, Warrior Stretch, and Resistance Roar.

This past summer I wrote a piece called Starting Over in Southwestern Ontario! A Fitness Update! What I started with was the workout videos from team Body Project, and specifically Real Start Just Move. You can watch that video on YouTube, or even workout with it. I had been a member of Team Body Project for three years now, but only just started the videos. I am in my 50th year, and I really needed to get back at it. And the TBP plans have been a great way to do that. And these specific workouts are my default fall back when on off days from plans or between plans. Even when I have had flare ups with my knee I have I been able to do something and move every day.


I love this workout. My goal is to get to the point where I start my day each morning at 430am with this and Warrior Stretch, and then have my main workout in the evening. This is a great 16-minute routine that stretches and moves the whole body. It incorporates both static stretching and dynamic stretching and some active movement. For this workout all you need is the app with the workout downloaded, and any device with internet access. The focus is a low impact mobilization stretch workout. And it is set to classical music. 

Power Flow

This workout was released as a celebration of 300K followers on YouTube. There is the option of light dumbbells for a resistance section. It has classical music like Flow, but the music is live with a sting quartet playing as Daniel leads us through the exercises. This workout includes sections focusing on: Boxing, Cardio, Circuit, Low impact, Resistance, Standing, Stretching. This workout is 17 minutes long. 

Warrior Stretch

The Warrior plan is a two-week Resistance Boxing plan, but it is designed to be done over and over again. I found this workout by filtering on mobilization. Once I tried It I loved it, and I have done it over 40 times. Either on active rest days or as an add on before or after other workouts. It was a great one to fall back on while travelling recently and in a very small room. You do not need any equipment and it is an excellent 19 minutes. As Daniel says if we do not use it we lose it and in this workout we move the whole body in several different ways. 

Resistance Roar

At the time of completing this review I have only done this workout twice. But I plan to do it monthly as a test. And I always feel incredible after completing it. This workout is 10 rounds, 10 exercises 10 reps. In and hour and 11 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly 1000 reps full body resistance. The first time I did this I did 10lbs, the second 15, next time I will be doing 17.5. This workout is my new baseline. Daniel does a few exercises on the floor. With my knee injury I find getting down and up from the floor hard. And I used a bench. My son did this with me last time using 7.5lbs and he did it on the floor. It is a great workout.

Those are my favourite workouts so far during my half year working out with Team Body Project. If you use TBP and have a favorite share it in the comments or shoot me a message. 

Now it must be noticed that all 4 of these workouts are available through the paid membership. You can join for free and will have access to a lot of workouts and the first week from some of the plans. But to access everything you will need a paid membership. Currently you can even gift a 3 month, one year, or lifetime membership. 

Team Body Project is a website, an app and a community. And the community is part of what makes this an excellent resource for your health and fitness. The private community on Facebook and the forums on the website are very supportive and encouraging. But what really helped me is that the workouts in the Real Start program are geared for anyone.

And as I always conclude a TBP review, do not just take my word for it check out Kylie Young’s story or the other testimonials on the site. I can say that TBP is one of the best resources for health and fitness that I have ever come across. 

This is another great program, especially for those of us who love an old school weight workout, but with a number of new twists. Thank you again, Alex and Daniel. 

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