Sunday 8 March 2020

A Channel of Your Peace - Veronica Smallhorn

A Channel of Your Peace
Veronica Smallhorn
Full Quiver Publishing
ISBN 9781987970142


First, I must state this is an excellent debut novel. I was very impressed with the writing. The story is masterfully written and was very hard to put down. I consumed this volume in three sittings over two days. I literally could not put it down. Second, I think I am getting a little soft in my old age or being the father of daughters, I now find myself reading a lot of stuff I would not have even looked at a few years ago. That being said, even as a 50 years old bibliophile I found this book engrossing and hard to put down.

This book is the story of two very broken people. Both of whom have messed up parts of their lives, either by rebellion against God, or rejection from other people. But God was not done with either of them yet.

Erin Rafferty is a lapsed Catholic. She just let it all slide away when her brother died from cancer.  She thought her life was exactly on the track she wanted when all of a sudden everything changes. And the hits just keep on coming. She is devastated after a 5-year engagement ends because of infidelity. She is heartbroken and devastated. After moving back home, her mother suggests she visit the local church and there is where things start to change.

Mark Ashcroft is a very devout Catholic and he is looking for an equally devout Catholic wife. After daily mass he helps Erin jump start her car. And soon the two have a budding friendship growing.

But they are each keeping secrets from the other, and are not prepared to fully reveal their pasts. When a tragedy strikes can they get over their pasts and learn to trust and hope again?

To find out you will need to read the novel. This is a great Christian, Catholic novel. It revolves around two people who have both made mistakes. Both have turned from God’s plans and ways. And both need healing. But they are very real characters. It could be me, or friends and mistakes from our pasts. The story does an amazing job of looking at several areas of Theology of the Body, sexuality, pregnancy, fertility. The story also presents little miracles. And maybe some not so little.

The writing is very tight. As I stated earlier I was amazing after finishing this to find out it was a debut novel. The characters are well fleshed out. The plot intense. And it is infused with faith and hope. Just a great read.

I have yet to read a book from Full Quiver Publishing that I did not thoroughly enjoy. And I have been impressed by most of the books from FQ that I have read. This was another great read from a wonderful publishing house. Full Quiver Publishing has a tag line on their website of "Theology of the Body Fiction", and after reading a few books from them I have a great appreciation for what they are trying to do and the works coming from this publisher.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan! And here is a link to my reviews of other titles from Full Quiver Publishing.

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