Tuesday 5 May 2020

Our Lady of Silence - Fr Emiliano Antenucci - CTS Devotions

Our Lady of Silence
CTS Devotions
Fr Emiliano Antenucci
Catholic Truth Society
ISBN 9781784696283
CTS Booklet D833

Over the last few years I have read over 100 books and booklets from the Catholic Truth Society. This book is a new one that was released in 2020. I regret that it is only available in print, I would desperately love to have an eBook edition of it, so I could always have it with me. But at the moment that is not to be. Over lent in 2020 I read many books from the Catholic Truth Society and many that are part of the CTS Devotions series. Some of them are marked on the cover as being devotional and some just by the CTS booklet code, in this case D833. The chapters in this volume are:

Chronology of the Icon of Our Lady of Silence
Consecration to Our Lady of Silence
Prayers for the Twelve Virtues of Silence
Novena to our Lady of Silence
Rosary of the Silence of Jesus and Mary
Final Prayer
Invocation of the Holy Spirit

Part of the description of this book is:

“In the Vatican offices, placed in pride of place, is a relatively unknown Marian icon in which our Blessed Mother has her finger pressed to her lips. Commissioned and gifted to the Holy Father by Capuchin Friar Fr Emiliano Antenucci, this icon is known as Our Lady of Silence, a Marian devotion which promotes the importance of silence.

This devotion symbolises much of what is important to Pope Francis, such as not speaking ill of others, and the value of listening to God in the silence of our hearts. By embracing this devotion, we can embrace these values which are so dear to the Holy Father.”

In the chronology section it talks about Br Emiliano Antenucci’s book Book of Life, released in 2008, which was the basis for the course on silence. I cannot find either the book or course available in English. The icon of the Our lady of silence was commissioned in 2010. In 2015 Pope Francis is given a copy of the icon a a gift. And has it installed at the Apostolic Palace. The words “do not speak badly of others!”

I prayed with the CTS community the novena to Our Lady of Silence, and have prayed the Consecration to Our Lady of Silence. It is a wonderful devotion. And this little volume is an excellent resource. I am thankful I was able to get this book, and pray my way through it. I do wish it was available electronically. I have already passed my copy on to my parish priest. I also wish some of the resources referenced in this volume or that this volume is based upon were available in English.

A great devotional, and part of an excellent collection of resources for your spiritual life from the Catholic Truth Society.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For other books in the CTS Devotions Series click here.

Books by Fr Emiliano Antenucci:
Our Lady of Silence
Silenzio Maestro dei maestri
L'arte del silenzio

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