Thursday 7 May 2020

Way of the Cross Meditations and Prayers - Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Devotions

Way of the Cross Meditations and Prayers
CTS Devotions
Pope Benedict XVI
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Catholic Truth Society
ISBN 9781860823350
CTS Booklet D673 

I had a different edition of this way of the cross many years ago. It was lent out and never returned. Over the last few years I have fallen in love with the books and booklets from the Catholic Truth Society. I have read over 150 in the last 3 years and have that many on my wish list. This specific book is out of print, and there is no digital edition. It took me a while to track it down for a price I could afford. But it was so with. The description of this volume is:

“Benedict XVI's meditations and prayers are a powerful call to live the Way of the Cross as a school of faith, which teaches us to be like Christ. "Jesus himself interpreted for us the meaning of the "Way of the Cross", he taught us how to pray it and follow it: the Via Crucis is the path of losing ourselves, the path of true love."

This Way of the Cross was written by then Cardinal Ratzinger for the Good Friday procession around the Colosseum in Rome in 2005.”

We are informed that the illustrations in this volume are reproductions for the church of Saint Charles Borromeo, in London England. We are informed that these prayers and meditations were written at the request of then Pope John Paul II, by then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. They were used for the Good Friday Via Crucis in the Colosseum in Rome. Within a month of delivering these prayers Ratzinger would be elected pope and select the name Benedict XVI.

This version of the stations of the cross has a profound spiritual depth. Of the many I have used over the year it is one of the most moving. With it’s focus and direction to the heart of the Eucharist this devotion is both pious and intellectual. 

Each of the stations is 4 pages. The prayers are moving. But it is the meditations that make this version stand out so much to me. I am very thankful to have a copy of this book, and am trying to track down some of the other versions of this devotion from Benedict XVI. 

A fantastic devotion to use during lent, or throughout the year.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Link to other Lent Resources.
For other books in the CTS Devotions Series click here.

Books by Benedict XVI:
The Way of the Cross - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI
Finding Life's Purpose: Inspiration for Young People
Don't Be Afraid To Be Saints - with Pope John Paul II
Confession Advice and Encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI 

From the Depths of Our Hearts - Pope Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah
Way of the Cross Meditations and Prayers
Way of Calvary: Stations of the Cross 
Spiritual Masters Fathers and Writers of the First Millennium 
Spiritual Masters Medieval Fathers and Writers
Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church and Church Fathers 

Books About Pope Benedict:
Habemus Papam! Pope Benedict XVI - Regina Doman and Sean Lam
Benedict XVI - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
A Pope of Surprises: The First Five Years of Pope Benedict XVI's Papacy - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky

Be Saints! An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI - Amy Welborn and Ann Kissane Engelhart
Take Five: Meditations Pope Benedict XVI - Mike Aquilina and Fr. Kris Stubna
Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion – Amy Welborn and Ann Engelhart

Other Stations of the Cross from the Catholic Truth Society:

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