Thursday 4 June 2020

Death Panels - Michelle Buckman - A Novel of Life, Liberty and Faith

Death Panels
A Novel of Life, Liberty and Faith
Michelle Buckman
Saint Benedict Press
ISBN 9781935302476
eISBN 9781935302797


There are many books in this genre and style. I have read several of them. And even with stating that I thoroughly enjoyed this volume. This book has elements that remind me of I Am Margaret by Corinna Turner, Chasing Liberty by Theresa Linden, The Revisionary by Kristen Hogrefe and those are just some of the ones I have read in the last few years. And yet it handles it in a very very different way. I very much enjoyed this book, and to be honest was disappointed that it was a stand along story. I would love to know what happens next, and how it happens.

The year is 2042, Christians either live by hiding their faith or they live in a sort of Christian reservation. The story follows a man with medical training. Who is from the Cloistered Dominion, or Dome, that man is David, and things in the States are far worse then they ever could have expected. The Death Panels are decisions based on statistics and probabilities. And Senator Axyl Houston wants to expand their control to all area’s of life and the whole population. But the sense that something is wrong is growing. And a spark can ignite a fire that will burn through the system and change it all.

From the writing of this story and even news events these days it is easy to see a story like this being prophetic. Written in 2020, I doubt even the author could have predicated that by 2020 masses around the globe would be cancelled or closed to attendance because of a virus. The story has a wide range of characters, and different views of religion and how life should be. The book was engaging from start to finish.

The writing is clear and concise. The characters are very well crafter. The world created is eerily familiar. The state controls who is born, and who dies. Your medical treatment is determined by a social score. And choosing the wrong food, snacks, or drinks can lower your score. If your score if low enough medical treatment can be outright denied. Being different is looked down upon.

There is a great deal of suspense in this story. But also hope. It was an intense read. I highly recommend it.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Michelle Buckman:
Pretty Maids All in a Row
A Piece of the Sky
Turning in Circles
Death Panels
Rachel's Contrition

Pathways Collection:
Maggie Come Lately
My Beautiful Disaster

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