Tuesday 9 June 2020

Moonchild Rising - Mina Ambrose - Shadow of the Sun Book 1

Moonchild Rising
Shadows of the Sun Book 1
Mina Ambrose
Full Quiver Publishing
ISBN 9781987970159


This book was worth the risk. I have to admit I thought I was practically done with vampire novels. Between, print, TV, and film I thought there was not much new that could be done. The last ones I read were by Arthur Slade about a vampire librarian, Amber Fang: The Hunted. To date I have loved everything I have written from Full Quiver Publishing. I was very intrigued to read a Theology of the Body story featuring vampires. FQ states that they were formed to: “make fiction available that celebrated the Church’s teachings on sexuality and marriage.”  from what I have read to date they do an amazing job of that. But back to this novel.

This story puts a new twist on the vampire or vampire hunter genre. In this story Mara is a Huntress, she resides in Archangel California, and at night she hunts vampires that try and get from the underworld into our world. We find out that huntresses are raised up by God in time of great needs. Niki Sperling is a Prince among Vampires, the right-hand wing man if you will. But during a battle between the two in a church, things change drastically. The Archangel Michael appears to the Prince, and a painting of Our Mother of Mercy transformed the vampire. Soon Mara did not know what to do with a Vampire who no had possession of his soul again. 

Soon the master vampire is sending groups after both Mara and his escaped prince. The two are growing closer together. He has sworn to protect her, and they both know something big is coming. For the master vampire has plans for world domination and for walking in the light of day, but an ancient prophecy foretold his destruction. With the help of her confessor and parents Mara must battle through the traps set for them and seek to find God’s will.

This story very much has the YA feel to it. In fact, it was more romance than I typically read and if not for the strength or the story I would have set it aside. Some will call it a Christian or Catholic version of Twilight, and there are a few similarities, but that comparison if faulty from the onset. The story does have some beautiful imagery. The Battle between good and bad becomes more gray in this story. Most Young Adult literature that I read is really written in such a way that anyone can read and benefit from it. This one, the relationship part is a little juvenile and did not really appeal to me or hold my interest, but the action and where the story is heading is more than interesting enough, that I know I will pick up the next volume and see where the story goes next.

As a debut novel I am impressed. If you are a fan of the genre or good YA books, I am sure it will entertain. It will also leave you thinking about some serious questions, and about actions and consequences.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Mina Ambrose:
Shadows of the Sun Series:

Moonchild Rising
Child of Destiny

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