Thursday 9 July 2020

Praying for Priests with St Therese of Lisieux - Maureen O'Riordan - CTS Devotions

Praying for Priests with St Therese of Lisieux: 
Including a special Novena for Priests
CTS Devotions
Maureen O'Riordan
Catholic Truth Society
eISBN 9781784694876
CTS Booklet D715

Praying for Priests with St Therese of Lisieux - Maureen O'Riordan - CTS Devotions

Over the last few years, I have read over 150 volumes from the CTS. I have read books from many series. And many authors. Lately I have read several books that are part of the CTS Devotions and Prayer Series I believe this is the only book written by Maureen O'Riordan. This is an excellent volume. The print edition of this book was published in 2009 and the eBook edition released in 2017. 

The current description of this volume is:

“This eBook about how St Thérèse prayed for priests out of love for them and for the souls they touch. We can share with Thérèse in this work of prayer, praying a special Novena for priests, including excerpts of her correspondence with missionary priests.”

And on the CTS site:

“St Thérèse prayed for priests out of love for them and for the souls they touch. We can share with Thérèse in this work of prayer, praying a special Novena for priests, including excerpts of her correspondence with missionary priests.”

And the contents are:

An invitation
St Thérèse’s Apostolate of Prayer for Priests
Maurice Bellière
A Novena to St Thérèse of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face written by herself
Adolphe Roulland
Proclaiming A Year for Priests
Further information

This volume was first published after Pope Benedict XVI had proclaimed a year for Priests. And with all that has happened in the last 10 years since the release of the volume we need to be praying for our priests and bishops even more than ever. 

Reading this volume is very moving and inspirational. You cannot help but feel the deep love that Saint Thérèse’s had for priests in general, and for several specific priests. I doubt anyone could read this volume and not pray more for the priests in their lives. Pray for the good priests who have helped and ministered to them. And hopefully pray for the priests they struggle to appreciate, respect, or even doubt their worth. I have expanded my praying for priests since reading this volume. And I have set colander reminders to pray the Novena. A few of the passages I highlighted my first time through this wonderful booklet are:

“‘I lived in the company of many saintly priests for a month and I learned that, though their dignity raises them above the angels, they are nevertheless weak and fragile . . . men. If holy priests, whom Jesus in His Gospel calls the “salt of the earth,” show in their conduct their extreme need for prayers, what is to be said of those who are tepid? Didn’t Jesus say too: “If the salt loses its savour, wherewith will it be salted?””

“This is Carmel’s vocation since the sole purpose of our prayers and sacrifices is to be the apostle of the apostles.”

“Throughout her religious life Thérèse prayed fervently for parish priests, missionaries, and priests in trouble.”

“Thérèse did not pray for priests in isolation, but for the souls they would influence. Céline reports that Thérèse called the apostolate of prayer for priests “bulk buying,” because, if she got the head, she would get the members too.”

“‘Oh! Give us priests! Priests filled with the fire of true children of Mary, who will give Jesus to souls with the same tenderness and care with which you carried the little Child of Bethlehem in your arms! In the Host, oh, Mother, your Jesus is even poorer than in the crib! He no longer has hands as tender as yours to touch Him. . . . Give Him a generation of priests formed in your school, in the tenderness of your virginal love.’”

This is an important little volume. Particularly at this juncture in the history of the Church. As Catholics we need to raise up prayers for our priests and their ministry. Please pick up this book and read about the importance or those prayers.

This is an excellent little volume. I have set calendar reminders over the next 9 days to pray the novena, and know it is one I will return to frequently. This is a volume I could easily return to again and again. It is another great offering in the CTS Devotions and Prayers series. A fantastic book to add to your personal library.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For reviews of other books in the CTS Devotions series click here.

CTS Books and Booklets n the life and spirituality of St Thérèse:
Thérèse of Lisieux - On the visit of her relics to Great Britain (Do 810)
Thérèse, teacher of Prayer, by Bro Craig (D 693)
Louis and Zélie Martin, Parents of Thérèse of Lisieux, by Paulinus Redmond (B 709)

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