Friday 23 October 2020

Prayer of the Day Marriage Consecration Prayer

Marriage Consecration Prayer

Blessed are You Lord God, Eternal Father. 
Our marriage comes from your goodness to us,
You are the one who brought us together and leads our life. 
We place the Most Sacred Heart of your Son Jesus
at the centre of our marriage:
a heart free from sin
a heart giving to the other
a heart burning of love
a heart open to the will of God
Dispel from our marriage Satan our enemy, the spirit of evil, 
and send your healing remedy, the Archangel Raphael, to guide us and defend us.

Taken from:
7 Words on Marriage
Living the Sacraments Series
Father Ivano Millico
Catholic Truth Society
ISBN 9781784695583
eISBN 9781784695910
CTS Booklet PA49

Note: from time to time I posts prayers that I say daily. That have had an impact upon me. That I have come across, usually I attribute them, but this specific one I liked so much I put a reminder in my calendar to pray it and never noted where it came from. 

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