Wednesday 18 November 2020

Thank You, Mr. Panda - Steve Antony - Mr. Panda Book 3

Thank You, Mr. Panda
Mr. Panda Book 3
ISBN 9781338158366
eISBN 9781338184952

My youngest daughter is nuts about Pandas. She collects Panada stuffies, she has Pandas on her bed covers. She had done at least 3 school projects on Pandas. She just cannot get enough of them. This year they need to pick their school library books from the computer and reserve them. This was one of the first library books she has had since the 2020 Pandemic began. And she really liked it. Once she found out it was part of a series, she wanted to get them all. The eBooks are a bit pricy, so she will see if the library has more of them.

She really like this book. She thought it was funny that all the other animals except for the elephant got clothing that did not fit. For it is the ‘thought that counts’. She laughed the most when Mr. Panda gave giant underwear to the meerkat. She also thought it was funny that the elephant got doughnuts. She also noticed that one of the covers of a different book in the series had Mr. Panda holding a box of doughnuts. 

She really enjoyed the illustrations. She loved the patterns on the cloths and how it looked like the doughnuts. But she wondered why the Panda was frowning the whole time. 

It is a fun book. It is also well below her current reading level. But because it was a Panda book, she had to read it. She enjoyed it and wants to read the rest of the series. 

I try and have my children read to me every day. In part to instill the habit and in part to help them progress in their reading. This book was too easy for my daughter but she enjoyed it, and read 4 chapters in her middle grade book after reading this. It is a fun read and looks like an interesting series. I checked the list of books read that I have going back to before when I had children and we have not read anything else written or illustrated by Steve Anthony, but there are a few other than this series that I am interested in taking a look at. 

Books by Steve Anthony:
Mr Panda Series:
Please, Mr. Panda
I’ll Wait, Mr. Panda
Good Night, Mr. Panda
We Love You, Mr. Panda
Mr. Panda’s Feelings
Mr. Panda’s Colours

The Queen’s Book Series:
The Queen’s Handbag
The Queen’s Hat
The Queen’s Present
The Queen’s Lift Off

Other Books:
You Can
Betty Goes Bananas
Green Lizards vs Red Rectangles
The Queen’s Handbag
When I Grow Up
Monster in the Hood
Betty Goes Bananas in her Pajamas
Green Lizards and Red Rectangles and the Blue Ball

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