Sunday 20 December 2020

Christmas Angel - Leslea Wahl

Christmas Angel 
Leslea Wahl
Ministry Through Mystery

I have read five novels by Leslea Wahl and her short stories in the collections, Secrets: Visible & Invisible 7 Amazing Stories and Gifts Visible & Invisible 8 Christmas Stories for Teens. This story appears in the second of those anthologies. But like the offering by Carolyn Astfalk, A Perfect Christmas, this one had a different impact upon me reading it as a stand alone story. Reading it by itself helped me to really reflect upon the concept of doing a good deed every day. Also how that looks in 2020 with social distancing and isolation. 

It also reminded me of the impact that even small actions can have. And the ripples that our actions can trigger that have the possibility of becoming waves or even tsunamis of kindness. And it helped me appreciate even more the great kindness that has been shown towards our own family as we prepare for my son’s spinal surgery on December 22nd. At one point in the book it is stated:

“By doing special things for others, I was drawn closer to Christ. What if, in some small way, my deeds had a ripple effect and brought others closer to Christ as well? That would be incredible. 

My heart patters. I can’t wait to tell Father Brady how his simple words made such an impact.”

That is part of what this story teaches us. The impact we can have on the world if we listen to God and follow his promptings. And in this case stirred up by a sermon. A bit later in the story:

“Rachael reaches for her water. “Well, now that Christmas has arrived, you can go back to your normal life.” 

I stare at her and realize that part of my unsettled feeling is a sadness that my good-deeds campaign is over. That grand finale I was expecting would surely make it all feel complete.”

Meg realized she doesn’t want to stop. What started with a goal until Christmas can be continued. And be even more impactful if she learns to listen to the Holy Spirit’s guiding’s and promptings. But to find out if that happens you will need to pick up this story and give it a read. 

This story is written for the Young adult audience. And it is great Christian fiction and a wonderful Catholic story. But no matter what your age, I am certain you will be blessed by giving this short story a read. And seeing what sort of impact it has on you and your life.

I have loved the novels by Wahl that I have read. But this year, this Christmas this story holds a special place in my heart. And I am certain it will enchant you as well.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Leslea Wahl:
The Perfect Blindside
An Unexpected Role
Where You Lead
Unlikely Witness

eXtreme Blindside
Christmas Angel 
The Gift of the Angel Tree 

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