Sunday 13 December 2020

The Bible Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition - Blue Sparrow Publishing

The Bible
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
Dynamic Catholic (Previous Published)
ISBN 9781929266821 (Softcover)
ISBN 9781635820003 (Premium Edition)

I recently received two bibles to review. This one is The Bible in a premium leather edition. And a New Testament, which looks the same except blue leather instead of green. The first thing I noticed was that they were almost the exact same size. The difference is the paper. The New Testament has much thicker paper. The paper in this one is not the onion paper think you get with many modern bibles. It is about halfway between that super thin and the heavy grade found in the New Testament. They are both single column design. With wide margins with lots of space for notes and thoughts to be written. This New Testament is a wonderful edition for reading. It has no footnotes and minimal endnotes. 

The book is well put together. And should last for years. My youngest daughter loves it and wants her own copy. I started reading both editions when they arrived. This one in Genesis and the NT one in Matthew. I have read the RSV version before and was one of three we could quote from academically when I did my Religious Studies Degree with a focus on Roman Catholic Thought. 

To be honest this is a good bible for just reading. My son likes the look of both the leather and softcover editions. The cover of the softcover really appeals to him. I like the heft and feel of the Leather edition. It is a great non-study bible option.

Note: The publisher has undergone some name changes, from Dynamic Catholic to Wellspring, to Blue Sparrow. Even if you order directly from Blue Sparrow you will likely end up with one with a different publisher’s name inside. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan

Full Bible Softcover (9781929266821)
Full Bible Premium (9781635820003)
NT Softcover (9781929266746)
NT Premium (9781635820058)

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