Wednesday 6 January 2021

Griffith’s Guide for Dragon Masters - Tracey West and Matt Loveridge - Dragon Masters Special Edition

Griffith’s Guide for Dragon Masters
Dragon Masters Special Edition
Tracey West (Author)
Matt Loveridge (Illustrator)
ISBN 9781338540345
eISBN 9781338540352

Over the last four years I have read books in this series a total of 26 times. There are currently 17 volumes published in the series, and three more announced. This is currently the only Special edition that is not part of the numbered series. A few years ago, I read the first 8 volumes with my son and youngest daughter. This year she has read all of the available volumes to me. We also found out that my brother’s boys have been reading them also, and that they are favorites in their family as well. This summer when the kids were together for a week at each others house, we found out they were 1 book ahead of us. They were reading the physical books and we were reading the eBooks. This was the first one my daughter really wants in physical book, and I can understand why. Full page illustrations on ever page, and full color. It is a wonderful addition to the Dragon Masters Series, and fantastic history of Dragons, Dragon Masters and Dragon lore. 

Now this volume is twice the length of most of the other Dragon Masters volumes. It packs in a lot of information and some amazing illustrations. Some of the information in this volume can be gleamed from the other books in the series, but much of it is new information. Including history, maps, legends, and more. The main sections in the volume are:

Wizard Griffith of the Green Fields
Wizard Diego of the Sandy Shores
Wizard Hulda of the Icy Plains
Magical Objects and Tools
Ruler King Roland the Bold
Ruler Queen Rose the Just
The Kingdom of Bracken
King Roland’s Castle
The Dragon Undercroft
King Roland’s Quest for Dragons
Dragon Stones
The Prime Stone
A History of Dragon Masters
How to Care for Your Dragon
Dragon Master Drake George
The Farmers Village
Dragon Worm the Earth Dragon
Dragon Master Rori Smith
The Crafters Village
Dragon Vulcan the Fire Dragon
Dragon Master Bo Yin
Ruler Emperor Song
Dragon She the Water Dragon
Dragon Master Ana Gamal
The Land of Pyramids
Dragon Kepri the Sun Dragon
Dragon Master Heru Al-Tarek
Dragon Wati the Moon Dragon
Dragon Master Petra Maris
The Southern Lands
Dragon Zera the Poison Dragon
Dragon Master Carlos Almo
The Land of Aragon
Dragon Lalo the Lightening Dragon
Baby Dragons
Dragon Master Mina of the Far North
The Far North Lands
Dragon Frost the Ice Dragon
Dragon Master Obi Okiro
The Kingdom of Ifri
Dragon Dayo the Rainbow Dragon
The Legend of the Naga
Dragon Master Jean Arcand
The Land of Gallia
Dragon Argent the Silver Dragon
Dragon Master Darma Li
The Land of Survana
Dragon Hema the Gold Dragon
Dragon Master’s Uri and Zelda
The Temple of the Naga
Dragon the Naga
Dragon Master Breen Hanigan
Inis Banba
The Fairy World of Inis Banba
Dragon Fallyn the Spring Dragon
Nature Dragons
Dragon Mage Eko Ihara
Dragon Neru the Thunder Dragon
Becoming a Dragon Mage
Here ye! Here Ye! A letter from King Roland
Dark Forces Afoot
Wizard Maldred of the Red Hills
The World of the Dragon Masters

This volume was illustrated by Matt Loveridge who illustrated three of the other volumes. And he did a fabulous job on this book. There is so much information in this volume my daughter kept stopping when reading to talk about it. We have plans to reread it again before the next Dragon Master book releases. An excellent addition to the Dragon Masters Canon.

If you are a fan of the series this is an excellent volume to pick up. But be warned if you have not read many of these there are a few spoilers about information you will learn as the series goes on. A wonderful book. We have read the eBook and ordered the physical edition for my daughters’ collection. The only things it could use is an index or table of contents to be able to find stuff quickly when looking something up or searching for something specific. A fantastic book for casual fans or devotees of the Dragon Masters series. 

Dragon Master Books:
1. Rise of the Earth Dragon
2. Saving the Sun Dragon
3. Secret of the Water Dragon
4. Power of the Fire Dragon
5. Song of the Poison Dragon

6. Flight of the Moon Dragon
7. Search for the Lightning Dragon
26. Cave of the Crystal Dragon
27. Haunting of the Ghost Dragon
The Epic Guide to Dragon Masters

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