Saturday 27 March 2021

The Seven Lady Godivas - Dr. Seuss - The True Facts Concerning History's Barest Family

The Seven Lady Godivas
The True Facts Concerning History's Barest Family
Random House 
ISBN 9780394562698

Recently because of some media spotlight on Dr. Seuss and his works. I decided to reread the 6 books in question and two others. But alas only had 5 of the 6 on hand. This is the first of the reviews.

Dr. Seuss is famous for his many children’s books. Books that spark the imagination. Surprise, and amaze. There is a large collection of old animated shorts based on them. And these has been several movies both animated and life action. He also wrote two books that though written and illustrated in a similar style and format are considered adult books they are The Seven Lady Godivas and The Butter Battle Book. Butter Battle is a commentary on war and is often found in the children’s sections in bookstores and libraries. Godivas I believe is long out of print, I believe the last printing was in 1988. And I am only aware of it because it is the favorite book of a friend.  

This book is not for children! When I had a copy on hand I kept it on the top shelf with a number of my other books the kids would never look at. The sever ladies are”

Dorcas J.

The story begins with:

“History has treated no name so shabbily as it has the name Godiva.

Today Lady Godiva brings to mind a shameful picture – a big blond nude trotting around the town on a horse. In the background of this picture, there is always a Peeping Tom, an illicit snooper with questionable intentions.

The author feels that the time has come to speak:

‘There was not one; there were Seven Lady Godivas, and their nakedness actually was not a thing of shame. So Far as Peeping Tom is concerned, he never really peeped. “Peeping” was merely the old family name, and Tom and his six brothers bore it with pride.’

A beautiful story of love, honor, and scientific achievement has too long been gathering Dust in the archives.

Dr. Seuss
Coventry, 1939”

What ensues is an amusing tale of daughters who love their father. And a question for knowledge of an equestrian nature to honour his memory.

A rather amusing story. With a lot of nude women and horses!

Note: I recently heard that 6 of the books by Dr. Seuss were being taken out of print. The 6 are: And to Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo, McElligot's Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs Super!, The Cat's Quizzer. We had 5 of the 6 in our collection so I gave them a reread. The 6th The Cat's Quizzer I can only find used in Canada, the lowest price is $740. 

Books by Dr. Seuss:

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