Friday, 30 April 2021

The Cat's Quizzer - Dr. Seuss

The Cat's Quizzer
Random House Books for Young Readers
ISBN 0394832965
ISBN 9780385379465
ISBN 9780007379576

Recently because of some media spotlight on Dr. Seuss and his works. I decided to reread the 6 books in question and two others. But alas only had 5 of the 6 on hand. This is the eighth of the reviews, the 6 in question and 2 of my favorites.

Bah! I admit of all the Dr. Seuss books I have read. I enjoyed this one the least. I only went looking for it to have read all the ones recently taken out of print. They were going for ridiculous prices. But for me it comes down to the fact that I just did not enjoy this book. There were some interesting facts. Some memory games and a few tricks along the way. Basically, each page or 2 page spread is a short quiz. It is illustrated in typical Seuss style. And typical Cat in the Hat humor. But it just feels too forced. Like he was trying too hard to add a book to the Cat’s collection. 

Dr. Seuss is famous for his many children’s books. Books that spark the imagination. Surprise, and amaze. There is a large collection of old animated shorts based on them. And these has been several movies both animated and life action. He also wrote two books that though written and illustrated in a similar style and format are considered adult books they are The Seven Lady Godivas and contrary to my original belief You're Only Old Once! not The Butter Battle Book as I had previously believed. Butter Battle is a commentary on war and is often found in the children’s sections in bookstores and libraries, and sometimes in the adult section. Godivas I believe is long out of print, I believe the last printing was in 1988. And I am only aware of it because it is the favorite book of a friend.  

I do not know a child who has not engaged with these books on some level. My youngest and my wife have a few of them memorized. And recite them to each other before bed, as much as read. My children loved the old, animated shorts, and like most of the movies. I was less fond of the live action movies but appreciate most of the animated ones. But back to this book.

As stated earlier a book of quizzes, questions and riddles. It includes a few puzzles to be worked out. His normal illustrations. But to be honest nothing original or new. It feels like a book that was forced, and many of the illustrations were reused. I was underwhelmed by this book, completely underwhelmed.  

I had not read this one before, which really was no loss!

Note: I recently heard that 6 of the books by Dr. Seuss were being taken out of print. The 6 are: And to Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo, McElligot's Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs Super!, The Cat's Quizzer. We had 5 of the 6 in our collection so I gave them a reread. The 6th The Cat's Quizzer I can only find used in Canada, the lowest price is $992. 

Books by Dr. Seuss:

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Stone Cold Dead - Alex Smith - DCI Kett Book 6.0

Stone Cold Dead
DCI Kett Crime Thrillers Book 6.0
Zertex Crime
ISBN 9781913877057
I downloaded this book the day it released. But was very busy at work and did not get to it for a few days. When I did, man oh man what an excellent story and continuation of the Kett saga. This book was not as intense as some of the other volumes in the series. But It is more than made up for that in the story and the mystery in this story. I could not put this book down once I started and finished it in a single day, and read it over 3 sittings. 

If you have been fallowing the saga of DCI Kett this book really is a must read. If you happen to be a fan of rough and tough action you will almost certainly enjoy this novel. And the other books in the series. This is the seventh of the DCI Kett stories that I have read, the sixth novel, and Kett made a brief appearance in The Harder They Fall, the first of the Softley Series of books. A previous volume, Whip Crack, makes reference to Six Days, Six Hours, Six Minutes, which is by far the darkest and grittiest of Smith’s mystery thriller novels. All of his mysteries link together in some fashion. This book is different than the others in the series, this still has intense action mystery feel. But Kett is officially off the force. But still helping and consulting on a new case. Thanks to Kett’s memory, and linking things together they soon realize that this case links to previous cases and the race is on to find out who is doing the killings and who is pulling the strings to make it happen. 

I have stated before and say it yet again, each of the Kett novels are great crime mystery novels, and interesting reads. They capture that British Crime Thriller feel wonderfully well. They are however, dark books with terrible crimes. And in this one young men are being left dead on rocks or stones with a history or legend around them. The bodies have been desecrated. And The bodies are not being found where they were murdered. At first the clues are far and few between. And The clock is ticking. 

In some ways I am a little nervous about where the series will go next. Kett has had a bit of a break. Some time to recover a bit. It feels in some ways like a calm before a storm. And I expect the storm to crash back in a big way. 

I will be very blunt again and state it again this book and this series is not for all readers. It is very dark, gritty, and very intense. They are great thrillers. But not for all readers. Over ten years ago, I read and loved the Lockdown series published primarily for a young adult audience by Alexander Gordon Smith. And I loved those books and still recommend them often. But I now love the Kett books even more.

A fantastic British Crime thriller. A great read. 

Mystery Books as Alex Smith:

Softley Softley Series:
2.0 Hard Luck House

DCI Kett Series:
2.0 Bad Dog
3.0 Three Little Pigs

Books By Alexander Gordon Smith:
Escape from Furnace:

Death Sentence
Execution Epilogue - Short Story
The Night Children - Short Story

Fury Series:
The Fury
The Storm

The Inventors:
The Inventors
The Inventors And The City of Stolen Souls

1001 Questions and Answers
Inspired Creative Writing: 52 Brilliant Ideas from the Master Wordsmiths
The Solar System
Family Quiz
Writing Bestselling Children's Books: 52 Brilliant Ideas for Inspiring Young Readers

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Doall's Do-Over - Karina Lumbert Fabian - A Space Traipse Story

Doall's Do-Over
A Space Traipse Story
Karina Fabian
Laser Cow Press
ISBN 9781733447188

I read this shortly after reading an advanced copy of Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 4. I had already picked it up and wanted another Space Traipse story. I believe this is the only stand-alone story set it this universe. At least yet. And it is a wonderful story, or maybe we should call it a double episode. Last year I read 3 novels, and 2 collections of short stories edited by Karina Fabian. Prior to that there had been a n 8-year gap in my reading one of her offerings. That was truly my loss. And I am so making up for lost time. I cannot seem to put her books down. I have loved all the Space Traipse stories to date and only have Volume 3 to go. If she does not come out with more soon I will likely go into withdrawal. I have also read some of Fabian’s contributions in anthologies and love her short form fiction. I love her religious themed fiction. But the Space Traipse offerings are something completely different. Now I should state I grew up watching reruns of Star Trek the Original Series, and the animated series during its original run. I have long been a fan of the shows (except TNG) and when much younger read many novelizations. I loved reading the old James Blish Star Trek stories. Reading the stories in this series take me back to that early reading, but with a much more humorous slant. These stories are part homage, part satire, part commentary, part parody, and they are a whole lot of fun! And this one focused primarily on Doall is masterfully written.

For the main series the stories follow the further adventures of the captain and the crew of the HMB Impulsive. The descriptions of the main crew members in the series are: 

• Capt Jeb Tiberius: A good ol’ boy from Texas whose religion requires firm buttocks.
• First Officer Commander Phineas Smythe: His uncanny ability to win Rock-Paper-Scissors-Redshirt-Alien means he can pick his away missions.
• Chief Engineer Commander Angus Deary: The first person to reverse the polarity by 90 degrees.
• Xenologist and Ship’s Sexy, Loreli: A plant-based life form with a perfect figure, she keeps up ship morale – and ratings.
• Chief of Security, Enigo Guillermo Ricardo Montoya Guiterrez LaFuentes: Raised on the UGS The Hood, where gang war is a cultural right, he’s not afraid to shoot a fellow crewman. That’s what stun is for!
• Ops Officer Ensign Ellie Doall: Fresh from the HMB Mary Sue, she can so just about anything all on her own – and often does.
• Transporter Chief, Dolfrick Dour: By the manipulations of technology, he reduces people to their most basic elements and rematerializes them elsewhere. Is it any wonder he’s 23rd Century Goth?

But as mentioned this one focuses on Doall and a much younger non HuFleet Doall. Most of the books have a number of stories or episodes, but because this is a single story it has more traditional chapters. Those chapters are:

The Big Rock Donut of Time 
The Need for Better Operating Instructions 
Never Go Up Against a Hoodian When Death is on the Line 
Should Have Stayed Home 
Wrath of LaFuentes 
Ellie Hits Herself with a Car 
On Wigs and Seeing Yourself with New Eyes 
Kera Tarts and the Joy of Enhanced Senses 
Kera Cream and the Peril of Enhanced Senses 
Pomp and Circumstances 
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ellie? 
Taking Care of Yourself When Yourself Can’t Take Care of You 
Best Laid Plans of Ensigns and Teenage Girls 
CinderEllie at the Ball 
Headaches Save Lives 
Timeline, Sweet Home 

Before the table of contents we are informed:

To anyone who missed their chance at young love…
…and are forever grateful.

Space: By Keptar, there’s a lot of it. And it’s chock-full of stuff to do and people to meet. These are the adventures of the HMB Impulsive. Its mission: to explore worlds, to seek out anomalies, and to boldly do what no one else has the guts to do! And you know that we’re the ship to do it. Don’t believe me? Hold my beer!

That last part appears in all the stories so far. And it really does a great job of summing up the series. The description of this story is:

“Space Traipse strikes again with this parody of ST: TAS “Yesteryear.” An away mission in time erases Ensign Ellie Doall, replacing her with a busybody alternate self that wreaks havoc across the Union. Now a vengeful warlord razes the galaxy on a mission to kill her, and her former friends are glad to help. Can Ellie stop her younger self from ruining their life?Cringe at the improbable character ‘shipping. Learn the secret to the Impulsive’s Miracle Ensign. Watch Warlord Enigo LaFuentes put Khan to shame. Snag this Space Traipse adventure and let’s do the time plot as only the HMB Impulsive can!A laugh-out-loud parody that fondly skewers the tropes of the world’s most beloved science fiction show, and of sci-fi in general. Space Traipse: Hold My Beer is highly recommended for people who love science fiction, parody, and just good fun.”

And it is very well written. I could hardly put this story down. I read much later than I should so that I could finish the book. I really enjoy many of the characters in the series. But have a soft sport for Doall. And this book highlights her skills and talents. And helps us and herself to understand why she is the way she is. And what really drives her. Great characters, fun story. And an excellent addition to the canon of the Space Traipse Hold My Beer Stories. The story is a little more serious than most of the other stories. But it stays true to the source and the tone of the series. Excellently written. 

A great read for fans of the series. A fun read for fans of Star Trek The Original Series. And a great story for someone looking to dip their toes in the universe of the HuFleet.   

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan!

Dex Hollister Series:

The Old Man and the Void
Dex's Way

Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator Series :
Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator
I Left My Brains in San Francisco
Shambling in a Winter Wonderland

DragonEye PI Series:
DragonEye PI Novels:
9.0 Gapman
10.0 Magic, Mensa and Mayhem (Revised edition forthcoming)
11.0 Live and Let Fly (Revised edition forthcoming)

DragonEye PI Short Stories:

DragonEye PI Original First Editions:

Space Traipse Series:
Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 1
Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 2
Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 3
Space Traipse Stories

Madness of Kanaan Series:
(formerly The Mind Over Series)

Edited by: Karina Fabian:
Infinite Space, Infinite God I
Leaps of Faith
Infinite Space, Infinite God II

Contributed to:
Firestorm of Dragons
The Zombie Cookbook
The Book of Tentacles
Twisted Fayrie Tales
FRIGHTLINER: And Other Tales of the Undead
Mother Goose is Dead
Word by Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary
Image and Likeness Literary Reflections on the Theology of the Body
Corrupts Absolutely? Dark Metahuman Fiction
Weird Noir
The Complete Guide to Writing Paranormal Novels
Manifesto UF
Avenir Eclectia
Planetary Anthology: Jupiter
Planetary Anthology: Pluto
Planetary Anthology: Luna
Planetary Anthology: Uranus
FlagShip Science Fiction and Fantasy v2i5
My Little Book of Headdesks
To Be Men: Stories Celebrating Masculinity

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Whatever happened to Marriage? - Patrick Treacy SC - CTS Explanations

Whatever happened to Marriage?
Catholic Truth Society
eISBN 9781784695941
CTS Booklet Ex61

Over the last several years, I have read over 175 volumes from the CTS. I have read books from many series. And many authors. I have read several books that are part of the CTS Devotions and Prayer Series. I have read many in the CTS Biographies and also Saints of the Isles Series, and the Great Saints SeriesOver the last several years, I have read over 175 volumes from the CTS. I have read books from many series. And many authors. I have read several books that are part of the CTS Devotions and Prayer Series. I have read many in the CTS Biographies and also Saints of the Isles Series, and the Great Saints Series. This is the first by Patrick Tracey that I have read, and I believe it is his only book to date. The beginning of the description of the booklet is:

“In 2016, Pope Francis said that “Today, there is a global war trying to destroy marriage … they don’t destroy it with weapons, but with ideas.” What are these ideas? This booklet explores the Catholic understanding of marriage based upon biblical revelation and the objective nature of the human person. It explores the legal deconstruction of the family in many countries who adopt models based almost exclusively on the individual. Most critically, this booklet explains the five ideas:”

Those five ideas are Excarnation, Gender Theory, Equalism, Dehumanised rights, and Adolescent progressivism. And the chapters in the book are:

Introduction: An Overview Of What Has Happened To Marriage 
Part One: The True Nature Of Marriage 
     1. The Understanding Of Marriage Of The Catholic Church 
     2. The Human Ecology Of Marriage 
Part Two: The Denial Of The Objective Truth Of Marriage 
     1. The Autonomy Of The Individual Will 
     2. The Legal Deconstruction Of The Family 
     3. The Adoption Of Models 
Part Three: The Five Ideas That Destroy Marriage 
     1. Excarnation 
     2. Gender Theory 
     3. Equalism 
     4. Dehumanised Rights 
     5. Adolescent Progressivism 
Conclusion: The Age Of Sin Against The Creator 

The Summary at the beginning of the book states:

“Speaking in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 1st October 2016, Pope Francis said that “today, there is a global war trying to destroy marriage....[T]hey don’t destroy it with weapons, but with ideas.” This booklet explores the ideas that are destroying marriage. 

In the first part, the true nature of marriage is set out, as understood by the Catholic Church, based upon biblical revelation and the objective nature of the human person. 

The second part of the booklet then explores a precise description of the problem defined by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation On Love in the Family, Amoris Laetitia (2016), in which he says: “Many countries are witnessing a legal deconstruction of the family, tending to adopt models based almost exclusively on the autonomy of the individual will.” 

The third and final part of the booklet then explains the five ideas of excarnation, gender theory, equalism, dehumanised rights and adolescent progressivism that have facilitated a false understanding of marriage to gain currency in Western societies.”

And that summary is really an outline of the information the book will present. It is a book that does not pull any punches. It does not try to be politically correct. Nor does it tries to be offensive. It just states clearly and concisely the churches teachings on Marriage, what it is, what it can be. And it outlines changes in society that are opposed to those traditional teachings. It is written clearly and concisely. And it does tackle some of the biggest political juggernauts in society, culture, and the western world today.

It goes back to some of Pope Francis’s first remarks in the United States in 2015 where at the White House and before Congress he is clear about his concern for the family, and the threats against it. It is very well written and impeccably researched. It is a book that will raise the ire of many. And a book the rest of us should read to know how we got here and where it is headed. 

The topics broached are not easy. But it is written in an easy way to understand and follow. An excellent volume for Catholics the world over to read. I can recommend this this volume. It is a great resource from the Catholic Truth Society! 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For reviews of other books in the CTS Explanations series click here.

Books in the CTS Explanations Series:
Marriage Annulment in the Catholic Church
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Does the Church oppress Women?
Organ Transplant – and the definition of Death
Be Yourself An Explanation of Humility - William Lawson SJ
Gene Therapy – and Human Genetic Engineering
Prenatal tests
Gift of life and Love
Cloning and Stem Cell Research
Contraception and Chastity
Freemasonry and the Christian Faith
Intelligent Life in the Universe
Spirits, Mediums & The Afterlife

Monday, 26 April 2021

What Christ Suffered A Doctor’s Journey Through the Passion - Thomas W. McGovern

What Christ Suffered: A Doctor’s Journey Through the Passion
Thomas W. McGovern
ISBN 9781681925769
eISBN 9781681925776

Wow! I was expecting this to be an uncomfortable read. But I greatly underestimated to what extent. But also, what an incredible read. This book came highly recommended by two men I greatly respect, Mike Aquilina and Jeff Miller, aka the Curt Jester. This book took me a while to read. I had planned on reading it over holy week, but it was a little too intense. And ended up finishing it on Easter Sunday. It is an excellent book to read anytime, but very powerful to read during Lent and specifically Holy Week. This book might not be an easy or comfortable read but one I will likely return to again next Lent. 

The description of this volume is:

“What Christ suffered during his Passion — for you — is a powerful source of reflection and meditation.

While we know that Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem around A.D. 33, the details of his sufferings and death have been confused and obscured over the past two millennia. In What Christ Suffered: A Doctor’s Journey Through the Passion, Dr. Thomas W. McGovern provides the most accurate, up-to-date understanding of the physical sufferings of Jesus Christ, drawing on ancient Greek and Latin literature about crucifixion, discoveries of ancient images, archaeology, medical reenactment studies, and medical case reports. This volume corrects decades of myths and misunderstandings presented in books and articles and on websites — myths the author himself disseminated for years until he reanalyzed the data utilizing twenty-first-century advances in modern medicine and archaeological discoveries.

This medical investigation of the Passion allows readers to enter more fully than ever into the reality of what Jesus suffered for our redemption. Drawing on the teachings of Pope Saint John Paul II in Salvifici Doloris, this book invites the reader to a deeper understanding of the meaning and value of human suffering — and how to practically apply it in their lives. By his sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus has won salvation for the whole world, redeeming even our sufferings through his incredible act of love.”

And the chapters are:

What Is Suffering? 
The Setting for the Cosmic Sacrifice 
Bloody Sweat 
Sufferings in the Night 
Royal Treatment 
The Way of the Cross 
The Crucifixion of Jesus 
The Death of Jesus 
Post-Crucifixion Events 
Our Response to Suffering: Personal and Relational 
Appendix 1: What Ancient Literature Reveals about Crucifixion 
Appendix 2: What Archaeology, Graffiti, Epigraphy, and Art Reveal about Crucifixion 

The book received the:

Nihil Obstat 
Msgr. Michael Heintz, Ph.D. 
Censor Librorum 

Kevin C. Rhoades 
Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend 
September 1, 2020

In the forward Bishop Conley states:

“A few years after I converted to the Catholic Church during my undergraduate years, someone gave me a copy of the slim little paperback work entitled A Doctor at Calvary, by Pierre Barbet, MD. Dr. Barbet, a surgeon who served on the battlefields of World War I, had access to photographic negatives from 1898 of the Holy Shroud of Turin, upon which he based a forensic analysis of the sufferings of Jesus Christ. 

That groundbreaking book opened my eyes to the sufferings of the Lord. Dr. Barbet wrote his book in 1950. 

Given the advances in science over the past seventy years, I have long hoped an updated study might be written. Dr. Thomas McGovern has done just that. His scientifically up-to-date analysis of the Lord’s Passion and death has also incorporated the Christian anthropology of Saint John Paul II as it is articulated in his 1984 apostolic exhortation on suffering, Salvifici Doloris.”

A few people who have mentioned this book, prior to my picking it up had mentioned that previous volume. One stating they read it every year during lent. Further along Conley states:

“Dr. McGovern does not stop with the physical sufferings of the Lord. He also reflects upon the mental and emotional sufferings of the Lord. He describes how the Lord experienced fear, sorrow, anxiety, and mental distress. Because the Lord is true God and true man, he willingly chose, in his Passion and death, to suffer the human sufferings that we all experience.”

There is much to be learned and gleamed from this volume. Even with taking my time and reading it over a week. I know that I missed things in my first read through. There is so much information. This book is incredibly well researched. It is written in a way that often presents numerous sides to specific points and is charitable to each of them. McGovern clearly presents the information and his conclusions. He also is clear on points where a definitive conclusion is not possible. The research into the medical issues would be daunting enough. But McGovern delves into the historical, social and emotional aspects of the events as well. 

Last year during Lent I read Praying the Crucifix Reflections on the Cross by Julien Chilcott-Monk. And it was deeply moving. I plan to go back and reread it now, based on the knowledge gained from this book and it will be a very different experience. I am certain I will never look at a crucifix in the same way again. This book has touched my heart deeply. And that impact will last my lifetime. 

The descriptions at times are visceral, gruesome, and gory. You cannot help but see them in your minds eye. That is both a strength and weakness of this work. It is not for all readers. But those who do tackle it will be changed, and be blessed. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan!

Friday, 23 April 2021

McElligot's Pool - Dr. Seuss

McElligot's Pool
Random House Books for Young Readers
ISBN 0394800834
ISBN 9780394800837

Recently because of some media spotlight on Dr. Seuss and his works. I decided to reread the 6 books in question and two others. But alas only had 5 of the 6 on hand. This is the first of the reviews.

Dr. Seuss is famous for his many children’s books. Books that spark the imagination. Surprise, and amaze. There is a large collection of old animated shorts based on them. And these has been several movies both animated and life action. He also wrote two books that though written and illustrated in a similar style and format are considered adult books they are The Seven Lady Godivas and The Butter Battle Book. Butter Battle is a commentary on war and is often found in the children’s sections in bookstores and libraries. Godivas I believe is long out of print, I believe the last printing was in 1988. And I am only aware of it because it is the favorite book of a friend.  

I do not know a child who has not engaged with these books on some level. My youngest and my wife have a few of them memorized. And recite them to each other before bed, as much as read. My children loved the old, animated shorts, and like most of the movies. I was less fond of the live action movies but appreciate most of the animated ones. But back to this book.

In this story a young man is fishing in a small pond, young Marco has his rod and his bait. He is sitting and he waits. But a farmer comes by and states that the body of water is much to small, and just used to dump garbage. And that Marco is wasting his time. But Marco supposes that the pond connects to an underground stream. And wonders if that stream connects to a river, and out to the oceans. And because of that he imagines all kinds of fish, and creatures he might catch if he has patience. 

Seuss goes crazy with fish galore!

Note: I recently heard that 6 of the books by Dr. Seuss were being taken out of print. The 6 are: And to Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo, McElligot's Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs Super!, The Cat's Quizzer. We had 5 of the 6 in our collection so I gave them a reread. The 6th The Cat's Quizzer I can only find used in Canada, the lowest price is $740. 

Books by Dr. Seuss: