Thursday 20 May 2021

Physique After 50 - Scott Abel

Physique After 50
How to Use Resistance Training to Feel Younger, Maintain Muscle & Fight the Effects of Aging
ISBN 9781539497738
eISBN 9781539497738

Over the years I have read many books on health and fitness. And most of them I have learned from and appreciated. A few were transformative. I have high hopes for the impact of this volume. It was recommended by a friend, and I have since recommended it to several friends, and even my youngest brother. I was already well aware that how I trained in my teens and 20’s did not work in 30’s and 40’s; but I was not prepared for the difference in my 50’s. For about 4 years now I have had nagging injury after injury, or repeated injury. I have sprained both knees at least 3 times. What we called ‘water on the knee’ when I was in competitive sports. Back then they would rain it off and I would be back out on the field. The Doctor’s now say it is swollen to protect it. Take it easy, stay off it. Rest, elevate, ice, repeat.

This book has really opened my eyes to the difference as we age, and how we need to train different, smarter, better. And it has helped me to create a more realistic training plan for my age and limitations. The chapters in this book are:

he Realities of Aging, Muscle Loss and Sarcopenia 
What Form of Training is Best? 
Forget About It 
Crucial Considerations 
Safety and Injury Prevention 
How to Balance Rest and Recovery 
Bodypart-Specific Training Tweaks 
A Program for Physique After 50 
The Programs 
3-Day Per Week Beginner Program 
Hardgainer Solution Workouts 
6-Day Physique After 50 Program

A few of the passages I highlighted were:

““Physique after 50” is not just simply a cosmetic solution for our age group. It’s also a cautionary tale of what happens when people let life get ahead of them. They end up leading “reactive” lives, rather than lives of design.”

“The fitness lifestyle isn’t about living longer; it’s about living better with the time you are given.”

“Sarcopenia presents a host of issues that include weakness, fatigue, lack of stamina, lack of vitality and verve, diabetes, and effects of previous injuries. There are several that deserve focus.”

What is Sarcopenia you might ask? One definition is:

“Sarcopenia is a condition characterized by loss of skeletal muscle mass and function. Although it is primarily a disease of the elderly, its development may be associated with conditions that are not exclusively seen in older persons.”

Yes we are getting older. And that causes changes. But a book like this will give us tools to help counter some of those effects and maybe even reverse them. I no longer aspire to be in competitive shape. But I do want to be in better shape than I am, for my wife and four children. I want to be healthier and happier. And this volume provides tools to help work towards that goal. For me the workouts at the end of the book are a good starting place. I just wish he had options for just free weights. All the work outs focus around body weight, dumbbells and pullies. I do not have pullies but have great PowerBlock's so plan to modify. I will use those combined with workouts from Team Body Project, and a lot more walking.

As mentioned, I have recommended this book to several people. One just into his 40’s but I told him I wish I had read something like this 10 years ago, and because of his recent injuries it was a big selling point. I will not apply all the information from this book, but a lot of it is applicable. It is an excellent read that I benefited from. And I can recommend it with no qualms or hesitations. If you are in your 50’s or even approaching them, consider giving it a read to help with your health and wellness goals.

Books by Scott Able:
The Abel Approach 
Better Abs, Stronger Core 
The Busy Woman’s Train-at-Home Program 
The Hardgainer Solution 
How to Train for a Better Physique 
The MET Workshop Workbook 
Intro to MET 
The Slingshot Program 
Your First Proper 6-Day Bodybuilding Training Program 
The Anti-Diet Approach 
Beyond Metabolism 
The Cycle Diet 
Metabolic Damage 
Permanent Weight Loss 
Understanding Metabolism 
How to Be An Insanely Good Fitness Coach 
The Mindset of Achievement 
Zen Fitness, Tao Health
Physique After 50

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