Monday 16 August 2021

A Thread of Evidence - Joan L Kelly - A Mibs Monahan Mysteries

A Thread of Evidence: 
A Mibs Monahan Mysteries
ISBN 9781987970241

This is the first book in a new series for author Joan L. Kelly, and also her first book from Full Quiver Publishing. The tagline of FQ is ‘Theology of the Body Fiction’ and I have yet to read a book from them that was not worth pursuing. This book is a little bit mystery, a little bit suspense, and a touch of romance. In many ways it reminds me of Cat Hodge’s Unstable Felicity. I typically do not read romance. But if it is an element in a story I seem to be able to handle it. This was a good read. I enjoyed it thoroughly. And I would have no hesitation picking up the next in the series and giving it a go, especially with the hints about where the longer story arc is headed. 

When rating this book I waffled between 4 and 5, but settled on a solid 5 out of 5 stars. What decided it was the characters. Kelly’s character building and world building is excellent. The story begins with Maribelle Monahan, Mibs just about to graduate from university. Her great aunt who raised her has had a fall and she leaves school to go home and look after her. She comes up with a plan to open a sewing shop, and look after her aunt. He aunt Bernice is a feisty 84 year old who will not back down. And see they are caught up in first a suspicious death then two. And Mibs seems to be finding clues and putting it together. During this her path crosses that of Jace Trueblood, a sergeant and lead detective in the small Havendale Police force. But danger comes from more than one direction and Mibs ends up in the crosshairs of more than 1 person.

The description of the book is:

“Twenty-two years after Mibs Monahan was adopted by her great-aunt Bernie, it became apparent that the woman who had raised her was suffering the frailties of old age. Mibs did not hesitate to set aside her dream of becoming a clothing designer to take care of her aunt. Mibs hadn't realized that opening a sewing shop would also open the door to experiencing the loss of two friends, Jennifer Morris and her sister, Jasmine Hornsby.”

The mystery elements in the story are well done. And the friendships new and old are well written. This is a book that I would have recommended to my grandma, and my aunts. And one I hope my daughters will give a read. It is a good clean story. 

A great beginning in what should be a very interesting series. Another excellent read from Full Quiver. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Joan L. Kelly:
My Big Feet
Hiding the Stranger 
The DNA Connection

Mibs Monahan Mysteries:

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