Tuesday 3 August 2021

Jigsaw Girl - Edwin Torr - Dead Means Dead Book 3.0

Jigsaw Girl
Dead Means Dead Book 3.0
Obolus Books

Wow what an awesome series! Over the last few weeks I have read all 8 published works in this series. And a total of 10 others under one of his other pen names. This is a very entertaining series, and this novel is an the best in the series. Torr is one of three names this author publishes under. But who is he really? I have read all of his adult crime novels published as J.E. Mayhew. I have read one of his Young Adult collections of short stories as Jon Mayhew. And now I have read all available under this pen name of Edwin Torr. There are three novels and 5 novella’s or short stories to date in this series. And since it has been a few years, there are no indications there will be more stories in this series, at least anytime soon. But we can hope.

This really is another very fun story in what in an immensely entertaining series. While reading this series, I cannot help but think about Cedar Sanderson’s The Groundskeeper Raking Up the Dead and Zombie Death Extreme Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator by Karina Fabian all three authors approaches are very differently the stories are somewhat similar and just as enjoyable and memorable. And yes I have stated that with each review! 

As I stated this story is incredibly entertaining. The main stories in this series focus on a young man named Tom Coffin; he is a Specialist Funeral Director. His job is to put the undead back in the ground. Coffin’s mode of transport is a car called Persephone, a Jaguar XJ hearse a 1995 model, a vehicle that looks like the offspring of a family station wagon and the Popemobile. The description of this book is:

““Then you need the police, Pandora,” I said. “I don’t really deal with missing persons… not living ones anyway.”

“That’s the thing,” she said. “They were kidnapped after they died.”

Tom Coffin is a Specialist Funeral Director, he puts the undead back underground where they should be. When he is approached by Pandora, a girl with a bandaged face, he takes on his strangest and most deadly case to date. Soon, he is up to his neck in armed goons, an evil Scientist called Dr Softly, aggrieved vampires and even a swarm of vindictive pixies sworn on revenge. Will he be able to solve the puzzle of Pandora before his enemies close in on him? And who or what is the stranger he meets on the other side when things go horribly wrong? Fast paced and darkly humorous urban fantasy set in the dark streets of London. For readers who miss Mike Carey’s Felix Castor series, who love Rivers of London, can’t get enough Dresden and always wonder about Neverwhere when they travel to the big city.”  

I honestly could not put these books down. It is only an immense effort and great will power that has prevented me from reading these books straight through. I typically alternate one fiction and then a non-fiction. And it was not easy to pause between these stories. I have recommended these books to over a dozen friends already, and once my review post have others I will be sharing them with. 

Tom Coffin is truly an amazing character, and honestly one I am sorry to know has a limited run. As a Specialist Funeral Director, he deals with the odd, strange, and unusual. In this story he is dealing with Pixies, a girl with strange powers, and yet a vulnerability. And just maybe a demon in his head. Oh and did I mention his great great great …. Grandmother is the leader of a vampire coven. But while Worthing towards resolution in to his latest mysteries Coffin is beginning to realize that he has more power than he knows. And maybe a much more important purpose than just putting the dead back in the grave. 

But alas for now this is the final e tale of Tom Coffin and his hearse Persephone. A fantastic read in a wonderful series.  

Books as J.E. Mayhew:
DCI William Blake Series:

Books as Jon Mayhew:
The Spybrarian

Monster Odyssey Series:
1.0 The Eye of Neptune
2.0 The Wrath of the Lizard Lord
3.0 The Curse of the Ice Serpent
4.0 The Venom of the Scorpion

Mortlock Series:
2.0 The Demon Collector
3.0 The Bonehill Curse

Collins Big Cat Series:
The Merchant of Venice: Band 16/Sapphire
Hamlet: Band 18/Pearl
Romeo and Juliet: Band 18/Pearl
Macbeth: Band 18/Pearl

Contributed to:
Beyond the Book: A Collection of Short Stories
Storycraft: How To Teach Creative Writing
Criminal Shorts: UK Crime Book Club Anthology
Make Doves Not War - Forward

Books as Edwin Torr:
Dead Means Dead Series
1.0 Demons - 2017
1.3 Cotton Candy - 2017
1.9 Remurdered - 2017
2.0 Angel Hunter - 2017
2.5 Cold Caller - 2017
3.0 Jigsaw Girl - 2018

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