Saturday 21 August 2021

McCracken and the Lost City - Mark Adderley - McCracken Book 3

McCracken and the Lost City
McCracken Book 3
Scriptorium Press
ISBN 9781500839437

I first became interested in this series because it was mentioned on a list of Catholic books for tween and teens. It was described as a Catholic Indiana Jones, and it lives up to that description. I now have plans to read the whole series as well as Adderley’s Arthurian series. This was the fourth book by Adderley that I have read in as many weeks. The tag line for this series is: “If Catholic Adventure Has A Name, It Must Be McCracken” and this third story continues to lives up to that description. The description of the series is:

“The McCracken Adventures take place in the early years of the twentieth century, when many of the philosophies that formed the modern imagination were taking shape.  Consequently, McCracken’s adversaries are representatives of the Culture of Death.  What is the Catholic response to nihilism, communism, eugenics and many others?  McCracken provides young readers with a guide through the minefield of twentieth-century thought.”

And the description of this volume is:

“May 1915. McCracken's old college professor, Oliver Lychfield, needs his help among the ruins of the Mayan city of Xulamqamtun.But arriving in Mexico, McCracken finds that things are not quite as they seem.Missing persons, pirates, Mayan gold, underground chases and U-boats combine in this thrilling new McCracken adventure . . .”

This story and series is an interesting combination of action, adventure, historical fiction all infused with faith. This third instalment is another excellent read, and I look forward to reading the other books in the series. I am solidly hooked. McCracken is soon on a new adventure. The chapters in this volume are:

Pursuit through the Concrete Jungle 
A Meeting in New York 
A Voyage to Mexico 
A Caribbean Cruise 
Teeth and Bullets 
Welcome to Mexico 
Into the Jungle 
The Lost City 
Dinner Conversation 
Below the Temple 
Gold for the Kaiser 
The Myth of the Flood 
Underground Pursuit 
Pursuit Through Xibalba 
Pursuit to the U-Boat 
An Agricultural Solution 
From Fritz’s Kitchen

This story is action packed from the beginning to the end. The story begins with these words:

“The door gave a soft click behind us, and we found ourselves in a darkened room. The sounds of Broadway Avenue, New York City, came to us softly and muted through the closed window. We had come to visit the famous inventor, Nikola Tesla, in his office in the Woolworth Building, but I could sense that there were more people in the room than just the wiry Serbian genius.
We were in trouble. 

Another soft click behind us switched on the electric light overhead. The light glinted off the muzzles of the Lugers, and then I knew we were in trouble. 

Behind Tesla’s desk sat a thin man in a neat suit, but it was not Tesla. His eyes were sunken in his pale face, so that circular shadows gathered around them. White, almost grey hands lay on the desk in front of him. Between his hands was Tesla’s latest invention, the electromagnetic oscillator, or earthquake machine, capable of reducing a whole city block to rubble in moments. All it needed to be fully operational was a narrow filament of wolframite.”

Soon McCracken and his wife and friend are on a quest to find his old professor. A certain Professor Oliver Lychfield. McCracken states about his:

“Oliver was a professor of mine at Imperial. He taught mining—a brilliant man, and a good friend too. He left Imperial just before the War—I don’t know why.”

And thus a quest for Oliver and an ancient Mayan city begins. This time though something seems off to McCracken’s wife, Ariadne, and he fails to heed her warnings. Will it be too late?

A lot happens in this instalment of the adventures of McCracken. U-Boats, German soldiers, weapons and strange happenings in the jungle. 

Adderley does a wonderful job in his creation of the historic setting, he really brings it to life. His characters both the heroes and the villains are well written. Most readers will appreciate McCracken, Ariadne is strong, poised and determined. Fritz as always plays an important role. As a bonus at the end of the book are two recipies from Fritz’s Kitchen. 

I had never heard of the series or the author prior to reading book 1. It has taken a great deal of restraint not to plough through this whole series. I have now read the first three books in this series and book 1 in The Matter of Britain Series. I am trying not to over binge on Adderley’s books. This is another great read for tweens teens and also for us older folks. If you read and enjoyed the 39 Clues books this is one for you. If you like the Indiana Jones movies I am certain this book will entertain. If you are looking for a great historical fiction adventure novel give this a try. An excellent read that I highly recommend. A great read in an excellent series. 

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Mark Adderley
McCracken Adventure Series:
McCracken and the Lost Lady
McCracken and the Lost Cavern
McCracken and the Lost Oasis
McCracken and the Lost Vessel

The Matter of Britain Series:
The Hawk and the Cup
The Hawk and the Huntress

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