Sunday 26 September 2021

Saint Clare of Assisi A Light for the World - Marianne Lorraine Trouvé and Mary Joseph Peterson - Encounter the Saints Series Book 26

Saint Clare of Assisi
A Light for the World
Encounter the Saints Series Book 26
Susan Helen Wallace
Mary Joseph Peterson (Illustrator)
Pauline Books and Media
ISBN 9780819871220
eISBN 9781306806671

I want to be clear and state that this series is amazing! Between my three children and I we have now read 30 of the books in this series. Either by myself, or with one or more child. My youngest 2 children ages 13, 10, still both love these books. My son wants to have the complete set in his room, so he keeps asking to buy his own set, because he loves these books so much. We have read many of them together and reread some of our favourites. We have also picked up copies of our favories for the kids school library. We had a lull in reading these books but are back and plan on finishing the rest of those currently available. With each book we read we appreciate this series more. We also hope there will be even more books in the future. As one has been released since we started reading them. But now back to this specific book on Saint Clare of Assisi. 

The description of this volume is:

“This noblewoman was so moved by St. Francis of Assisi's preaching that she gave up all of her worldly goods and devoted her life to Jesus, defending what she called the "privilege of poverty." Gathering women who wanted to be "poor ladies" of Jesus, she eventually founded an order of nuns called the Poor Clares. They lived in a poor house of silent prayer, trusting completely in God.”

There are 5 different editions of this book, paperbacks and eBooks of various formats but the eBook editions appear to be out of print or have been pulled from sale. The various editions have been published between 2009 and 2016. But not matter which you lay your hands on I am certain you will be blessed by reading of the book.

The chapters in this volume are:

1. A Light for the World
2. The Market of Assisi
3. A Marriage Proposal
4. Trouble at Home
5. A Grieving Family
6. Clare’s Plan of Action
7. Palm Sunday
8. Into the Night
9. A New Life
10. Sanctuary!
11. A Wonderful Gift
12. To San Damiano
13. The Community Grows
14. The Fourth Lateran Council
15. Ortolana
16. The Miracle of the Bread
17. A New Convent in Florence
18. Brother Sun, Sister Death
19. A Visit from the Pope
20. Princess Agnes
21. The Saracen Attack
22. The Last Christmas
23. The Holy Father
24. Final Glory

This was the second book about Saint Clare that I have read in a week, and I have just picked up a third. One of my youngest daughters favourites is another Pauline book, Saint Clare of Assisi: Runaway Rich Girl by Kim Hee-Ju. And she loved this volume as well. This is an excellent book about the saint for the young readers and enjoyable for older readers as well. My children always love the prayer at the end of the book as well as the glossary. We read it from beginning to end. The prayer in this volume is:

“Saint Clare, you loved Jesus so much that you gave your whole life to him. While you were still a young woman, you chose a life of poverty, so only Jesus would be your treasure. You wanted to spread the love of Jesus through the whole world. Even though you never left your convent, your heart was so big that you included everyone in your prayers. Your life was like a great light that still shines on us today. But you never wanted to draw attention to yourself. Instead, you thought of yourself as a little plant in God’s garden. Through the beauty of your life, you gave glory to God.

Teach me to value the things that are really important in life, things like love of God and love for my family and friends. Help me to remember the needs of other people, especially those who don’t have as much as I do. Help me to be generous in sharing with them. Saint Clare, you and Saint Francis were great friends. You helped each other to become holy. I also want to have good friends in my life. Teach me how to be a good friend to others, so that together we will live as Jesus wants us to. Amen.”

This is one of the three books in the series that is written by Marianne Lorraine Trouvé. It is the only one illustrated by Mary Joseph Peterson, FSP. This book follows the format of the series in that there are 5 illustrations sprinkled throughout the book. They appear to be pencil drawings or sketches. My children were fascinated by the sketches and went over them a few times. 

I loved this book, and all three children and I love this series! We have now read over 30 of the books in the Encounter the Saints Series from Pauline Books and Media. And everyone has been worth the read. An excellent read in a wonderful series!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan!

Encounter the Saints Series from Pauline Books and Media:
Blessed James Alberione Media Apostle
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Journey to the Summit
Journeys with Mary Apparitions of Our Lady
Saint André Bessette Miracles in Montreal
Saint Anthony of Padua Fire and Light
Saint Bakhita of Sudan Forever Free
Saint Bernadette Soubirous And Our Lady of Lourdes
Saint Catherine Labouré And Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Saint Clare of Assisi A Light for the World
Saint Damien of Molokai Hero of Hawaii
Saint Edith Stein Blessed by the Cross

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Daughter of America
Saint Faustina Kowalska Messenger of Mercy
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Cecchina's Dream
Saint Francis of Assisi Gentle Revolutionary
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla The Gift of Life
Saint Ignatius of Loyola For the Greater Glory of God
Saint Isaac Jogues With Burning Heart
Saint Joan of Arc God's Soldier
Saint John Bosco Champion for the Young
Saint John Neumann Missionary to Immigrants
Saint John Paul II Be Not Afraid
Saint John Vianney A Priest for All People
Saint Juan Diego And Our Lady of Guadalupe
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha: Courageous Faith
Saint Katharine Drexel The Total Gift
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque And the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saint Martin de Porres Humble Healer
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Mary's Knight
Saint Paul The Thirteenth Apostle
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina Rich in Love
Saint Teresa of Avila Joyful in the Lord
Saint Teresa of Calcutta Missionary of Charity
Saint Teresa of Kalkota Missionary of Charity

Books by Marianne Lorraine Trouvé:
Mary: Help in Hard Times
A Scriptural Rosary
Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer Book
Angels: Help from on High
Novena St Thomas Aquinas: Patron of Students and Catholic Schools
Divine Mercy in My Pocket
Purgatory Purifying Power
My Favorite Prayers & Novena
Praying Mysteries of Light
Praying the Rosary for Priests
Our Lady Undoer of Knots: Novena and Prayers
The Rosary with Pope Francis

Consecrated Life: John Paul II
Saint Thomas Aquinas: Saints By Our Side

Books contributed to:
The Catholic Answer Book of Mary
Honoring Mary with the Holy Father
Pope Francis in the U.S.: Words of Mercy and Hope

Books Edited by Marianne Lorraine Trouvé:
Mary Leads Us to Jesus
Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church: Documents on the Blessed Virgin Mary

Ordinary Grace Daily Reflections:
Ordinary Grace, Weeks 1-17
Ordinary Grace, Weeks 18-34
Easter Grace

Translated by:
Adventures of Saint Paul

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