Sunday 31 October 2021

Nine Days with Saint Michael - Andrew Offer, O.P. and Jonah Teller O.P.

Nine Days with Saint Michael
Andrew Offer, O.P.
Jonah Teller O.P.
Sebastian White O.P. (Editor)
eISBN 9781949239935

I picked this up to read, after reading and reviewing Nine Days with Saint Joseph, by the same authors. I really enjoy the format and style of both books, and wish there were more available. The description of this book is:

“Saint Michael defends the Church against the wickedness and the snares of the Devil.

Over nine days, get to know this great warrior better through prayer, hymns, Scripture, meditations, and art.

Each day focuses on one of Saint Michael's outstanding qualities and includes:

- A hymn set to a well-known tune
- A Scripture passage
- A meditation from a saint or well-known spiritual writer
- A variety of prayers, including intercessions for you to personalize
- Beautiful artwork

Let him protect you and your family!”

It is available in print, though currently awaiting a reprint, and as an eBook on several platforms, also in bulk from the publisher. It would be excellent to work through with a group or even as a parish. Working through it as a group you could do one day a week for 9 weeks. The sections in this volume are:

Day One: Who Is Like God?
Day Two: Archangel
Day Three: Great Prince
Day Four: “May The Lord Rebuke You!”
Day Five: “I Will Serve!”
Day Six: At The Altar Of Incense
Day Seven: Battling The Dragon
Day Eight: The Scales Of Judgment
Day Nine: Everlasting Praise
     Litany of Saint Michael
     The Chaplet of Saint Michael

This book, like the other volume, is very accessible. It is an excellent little read. It was hard to put down and spread the reading over the nine days. At the end of most days I wanted to push on and keep reading. We are informed that:

“Each day follows the same structure: a hymn, a reading from Scripture, and a meditation, followed by a set of intercessions. We encourage you to entrust to Saint Michael some special intention during these days of prayer. Then we pray the Lord’s Prayer. After invoking the intercession of Mary, Queen of Angels, we have a closing prayer. Finally, each day concludes with the traditional prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.”

Two of the passages I highlighted while reading this volume are:

“This fight against the devil, which distinguishes the figure of the Archangel Michael, is still relevant today, because the devil is still alive and operating in the world.”

“Let there be no mistake: a spiritual war is being waged in the world. Saint Michael and his angels fight against the dragon and his angels. We cannot be neutral in this battle. We call upon Saint Michael’s leadership to fight against our ancient foe today.”

This volume can be read and worked through at any time of the year. I read it so that I would finish on the Feast of the Archangels. I encourage you to pick it up and read it. It is an excellent novena to Saint Michael. I strongly encourage you to give this book a read. I am certain it will benefit your spiritual life. A great little read. And I hope Magnificat will release more novena books in this format and style.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan!

Books by Andrew Offer, O.P. and Jonah Teller O.P.:

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