Monday 8 November 2021

Foxton Girls - K.T. Galloway - Annie O'Malley Book 2

Foxton Girls
Annie O'Malley Book 2
A.W.E. Publishing

This is a fast paced hard hitting follow up to Corn Dolls. This follow up story appeared quickly, and striking while the fire is hot Galloway has announced a thirs instalment called We All Fall Down. This story is a nearly text book British Crime Procedural novel, but with enough twists and turns to keep us guessing. Over the last few years I have read many crime or thriller novels. I love the DCI Kett novels from Alex Smith and the DCI Will Blake novels from J.E. Mayhew. But this story and series gives us something very different. Alex smith had recommended Mayhew and I ripped through that series, so when he recommended this series I had to give it a try. The first two have not disappointed. The debut novel was impressive and this follow up is nearly as good. I enjoyed the first one so much I preordered the second, and now have the third on preorder awaiting it’s release. 

Annie O’Malley is a psychotherapist and former police officer. And not only does she have baggage from her stunted police career, but even more from experiences when she was young. Now she has been drawn back, back into a world she had left behind, back to a world she was glad was behind her. Back to her own childhood and her sister who is still missing. And back into a high stakes games. A game that if she loses it is a game where someone else will pay with their life. 

Annie is now on the payroll as a consultant. But something is off. Off with her partner she was developing feelings for. Off with the case. And something is terribly off at the Foxton School for Girls. The description of the book is:

“Their secrets die with them.

When a spate of suicides occur at prestigious girls' school, Foxton's, Psychotherapist Annie O'Malley is called in to talk with the students.

What Annie finds are troubled young girls full of secrets and lies; and a teacher caught in the midst.

Back working with DI Joe Swift, can Annie and Swift unravel the secrets together before it's too late?”

But O’Malley and Swift know that something is terribly off at the School. But the longer it takes them to figure it out, the more bodies are found. There is no shortage of suspects. And the school ground, even with the reduced head count during break, has secrets of its own. 

This second story is well written. Has several key plot twists and even a few minor unexpected turns. The pace is great. The crimes chilling. And a plethora of suspects. 
The writing is well done in this story. The pace is great. The characters are wonderful, readers who do not like Swift and O’Malley might want to check their heartbeat. An excellent second offering in the tales of O’Malley and Swift! But be warned this book leaves you desperate for the next story.

Books by K.T. Galloway:
Annie O’Malley Series:

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