Tuesday 30 November 2021

Howl of the Wind Dragon - Tracey West and Graham Howells - Dragon Masters Book 20

Howl of the Wind Dragon
Dragon Masters Book 20
Tracey West (Author)
Graham Howells (Illustrator)
ISBN 9781338635515
eISBN 9781338635539

What an amazing wrap up to the Astrid story arc in this incredible series. These books are now well below my youngest daughters reading level. But she loves them so much. She read for 20 minutes 5 days most weeks and a book in this series use to take her 10-12 days to read. This one she read in under three sittings over 2 days. And she has insisted that we pre-order the next volume Bloom of the Flower Dragon, and was disappointed that there is not an announced 22nd volume yet. I have said it before and I state it again, This series gets better and better. It has massive staying power. And in this volume we get a tiny surprise! This is book 20 but we have reread a few of the volumes, making it the 30th time we have read a book in the series. As a family we eagerly await the new volumes that have been announced. And this volume returns to the illustrator Graham Howells. However, we should return to this volume. 

The description of this volume is:

“Drake and Rori rush off to find a Wind Dragon-the final dragon needed to undo the False Life spell. But they soon learn that the Wind Dragon is being held captive! Can they rescue her and her Dragon Master, Quilla? They'll need to hurry because evil wizard Astrid has already cast her terrible spell... Prepare for the Dragon Masters' biggest battle yet! With engaging black-and-white artwork on every page, kids won't be able to put down this action-packed book!”

This story picks up immediately following the previous one. My daughter reads through the chapter titles before beginning, and guesses what might happen. The chapters this time are:

Find the Wind Dragon
A Wind Dragon!
Queen Amaru
Capture the Dragons!
On the Mountain
The Glowing Bones
The Tenebrex Stone
Into the Fortress
Bones of the Beasts
Lost and Found
Beasts, Attack!
Dragons vs. Beasts
The Magic of the Tenebrex
A Sister’s Plea
A Visitor

This story is action packed. And in some ways the action races from start to just before the finish. Drake his dragon Worm, Dragon masters and Dragon friends, and the council of wizards must all work together this time, to have a chance to defeat Astrid. Previous battles have not gone well against her. And this story has a lot of surprises in store for the readers. But to find out what happens you will need to pick up this book and give it a read. 

These books are great for young readers, and those who read to and with them. I admit I could not wait to find out what was going to happen and finished the book on a coffee break at work, while my daughter was at school. (But we will keep that between us, right!) My daughter adores these books and often rereads them to herself. And that is the highest praise I can give these book! 

This is a great read in a wonderful series. Maybe the best yet! 

p.s. my daughter wanted this review to post on her birthday so Happy 11th Birthday Z. 

Dragon Master Books:
1. Rise of the Earth Dragon
2. Saving the Sun Dragon
3. Secret of the Water Dragon
4. Power of the Fire Dragon
5. Song of the Poison Dragon

6. Flight of the Moon Dragon
7. Search for the Lightning Dragon
26. Cave of the Crystal Dragon
27. Haunting of the Ghost Dragon
The Epic Guide to Dragon Masters

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