Saturday 11 December 2021

Praying the Great O Antiphons My Soul Magnifies the Lord - Katy Carl - CTS Devotions

Praying the Great O Antiphons
My Soul Magnifies the Lord
Katy Carl
ISBN 9781784696610
eISBN 9781784696788
CTS Booklet D838

This was one of three new eBooks I picked up from the Catholic Truth Society the day the released. The other two are Prayer in Action by Andrzej Muszala and Prepare the Way of the Lord by Carl E. Olson, and all three were eagerly anticipated since I first heard of them being announced. This book is designed to be read during the last days of Advent, but I read it before Advent began, and know that any reader will be blessed no matter when they read it. But it ties to the days leading up to Christmas. 

The description of this booklet is:

“In the final days of Advent, the Church recites the Great O Antiphons at Vespers each evening. Katy Carl contemplates each of these antiphons, drawing on art, literature, and Sacred Scripture to show how they tell the story of Jesus Christ, the Babe of Bethlehem.

In the final days of Advent, the Church recites the Great O Antiphons when the Magnificat is prayed at Vespers each evening. These antiphons refer to Christ under seven great titles: Wisdom (Sapientia), Lord Most High (Adonai), Root of Jesse (Radix Jesse), Key of David (Clavis David), Dayspring (Oriens), King of Nations (Rex Gentium), and God With Us (Emmanuel).

Katy Carl contemplates each of these titles, drawing on art, literature, and Sacred Scripture to show how they tell the story of Jesus Christ, the Babe of Bethlehem. These meditations will help anyone who wants to pray the O Antiphons with greater devotion and to make space in the final busy days of Advent for spiritual preparation to welcome the infant Christ at Christmas.”

The chapters in the volume are:

Praying Our Way to Christmas
17 December: O Sapientia (O Wisdom)
18 December: O Adonai (O Lord)
19 December: O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse)
20 December: O Clavis David (O Key of David)
21 December: O Oriens (O Dayspring)
22 December: O Rex Gentium (O King of Nations)
23 December: O Emmanuel (O God with us)
Come Lord Jesus

I highlighted three passages during my first time through this book, they were:

“If this were only a story, in the sense of myth, legend, or fairy tale, occurring in the liminal space of ‘once upon a time,’ we might say of it what Flannery O’Connor notoriously said of the Eucharist: “Well, if it’s only a symbol, to hell with it”. But as O’Connor knew well, the Eucharist is not only a symbol: it truly is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of God the Son, the second person of the Holy Trinity. And the story of the birth of Christ is not only a symbol, either. It is the Word of God, alive in us to the extent we are alive in Christ.”

“Though other parts of that Liturgy vary with the season and the feast, just as the Propers of the Mass do, the Magnificat remains the same day after day. In all times and in all circumstances, the Church finds it “right and just” to speak with Mary’s voice. One of the cornerstones of our common liturgical life is built, then, on a woman’s words. True, not just any woman, and not just any words: Mary is the Theotokos, bearer of God.”

“The Liturgy of the Hours can seem complicated to beginners, but it need not be daunting. As with building any habit, it is more than all right to start with a small piece of the whole and add on from there.”

I love slowing down during Advent, sort of treating it like a mini-Lent. This book is one I see myself using this year and for several years to come. Praying your way through these prayers and reflections during the 8 days leading to Christmas I am certain will be a blessing for me and for you as well. This is an excellent volume, it was well worth the wait, and it is an Advent resource I see myself using for years to come.

Another excellent resource from the Catholic Truth Society.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2021 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Books by Katy Carl:
As Earth Without Water

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