Monday 10 January 2022

Joe B - Father Anthony Federico

Joe B
Fr. Anthony J. Federico III
ISBN 9798472192323

This book is the second novel by Father Anthony J. Federico III. I was asked to give it a read and see what I think. As soon as I heard the premise of the story I thought about two other books, Job: Comedy of Justice by Robert A. Heinlein and The Story of Job by Regina Doman and Ben Hatke. All three are different takes on Job. This one is more a direct updating of the story. 

This is the story of Joe Brescia, or Joe B. he is a big shot in New York, CEO of a company he founded and has steered for year. Former councilman, and liked by almost all who cross his path, from influencers, bartenders, and the homeless alike. There is no question Joe has a blessed life, a beautiful wife, a son who is a rising star in his own right and one grandchild and one on the way. But the evil one has noticed Joe, his joy, his devotion, and his faith. Satan comes before God and makes a wager for Joe’s soul. And soon all hell is unleashed on Joe, in a series of tragedies similar to the biblical tale it is fashioned after, and not just the loss of position, his company, and even most of his family. His reputation is being dragged through the gutter. He faces betrayals he never saw coming. Hordes of demons are targeting him specifically. 

This book does an excellent job of retelling the story of Job. We see the physical and spiritual realms overlapped. And the influences of one on the other. In some ways the way the spiritual real is presented is reminiscent of This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti. And the story reads a bit like the Joshua books by Father Joseph F. Girzone. 

The book is not a difficult read, and I think it would be an excellent read for teens and young adults. It would be great if there was a discussion guide for youth groups or book clubs that pick the volume up. The book can be read in a few sittings or one long sitting over a large mug of coffee or tea. At the beginning of the volume we are informed that “Half of any revenue from this book will be used to feed those experiencing homelessness.”. It is an interesting read and on I can easily recommend. I enjoyed it and would definitely pick up the good Father’s next offering.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Anthony Federico:
Must Be Nice: College Glory Remembered

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