Thursday 24 February 2022

Walking With God A Journey Through the Bible - Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins

Walking With God
A Journey Through the Bible
ISBN 9781945179433
eISBN 1230000247902

I am currently on my second year of doing the Bible in a Year with Father Mike Schmitz. During those podcasts Father Mike often Makes reference to Jeff’s work on the The Great Adventure Bible and The Bible Timeline. I had picked up this book the first time through but did not get around to reading it. This year I started it on day 1, and worked my way through it over a month. And I can state it is an excellent volume. One description of this book is:

“Written by Dr. Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins, Walking With God unpacks the central story woven throughout Scripture and presents it in an easy-to-read, concise manner. Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins take you on a journey through the “narrative” books of the Bible—the ones that tell the story—and present a panoramic view of God’s glorious plan of salvation. Their expert commentary dives deep into the mysteries of scripture, unlocking its riches and showing how these inspired words are meant for you today.

Enter into the scriptures with Walking with God. Witness the fascinating story of our faith unfold, and see how you, at this moment in your life, fit into God’s plan for all of humanity.

Reflect on your own or discuss with a Bible study group in your home or in your parish to gain a better understanding of the story of salvation history.”

And another you will find online is:

“Read the entire story of the Bible in one captivating and inspirational book...

The Bible plays a vital role in the life of the Catholic Church. In fact, we are called to immerse ourselves daily in the Scriptures. But many of us get lost when we actually dive into the Bible, and our time spent can be more frustrating than fruitful. We are reading a collection of writings drafted by an ancient people, in an ancient culture. But Scripture is nothing less than the Living Word of God, and it is meant just as much for us as for those who lived thousands of years ago.

In Walking with God, Dr. Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins unpack the central story woven throughout Scripture and present it in an easy-to-read, concise manner. Gray and Cavins take you on a journey through the narrative books of the Bible the ones that tell the story and present a panoramic view of God s glorious plan of salvation. Their expert commentary dives deep into the mysteries of Scripture, unlocking its riches and showing how these inspired words are meant for you today. Enter into the Scriptures with Walking with God. Witness the fascinating story of our faith unfold, and see how you, at this moment in your life, fit into God s plan for all of humanity.”

This book is an excellent resource on its own. But when you combine it with the Bible in a Year Podcast it has really helped me go to a deeper level in reading, listening and understanding the bible. I plan to reread it on pace with Fr Mike this year. But back to the book.  This book is immensely engaging. And it is also very accessible. It could be easily read by anyone in secondary school or beyond. Used by the academic, or the lay person. This book can be read from beginning to end, or if you are willing to slow down read it along with the accompanying biblical passages. It helps highlight and tie together the foreshadowing in the Old Testament that is fulfilled in the New. It is both commentary and exegesis. I hold a Religious Studies Degree with a specialization in Roman Catholic Thought, I would have loved to have had this book as a resource while in school. It could have easily been required reading on either my OT or NT courses. And it would be great as supplemental reading or resource for many of the other courses I did: Jesus Life and Legacy or Paul’s Life and Letters. This volume begins with these words:

“Toward the end of his gospel, St. Luke recounts the greatest Bible study ever held. Jesus joins two disciples as they travel the road to Emmaus. In response to their despair over the events of Good Friday, Jesus says, “O foolish men, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” (Lk 24:25-26). In the midst of the tragic events and details of the previous days, these disciples had lost sight of all that God was doing in his story of Scripture, and, as a result, they also lost sight of the narrative thread to their own lives and were filled with sorrow and despair. 

In response, Jesus takes the disciples back through Scripture’s story, showing them God’s wonderful design and purpose. When Jesus wanted to teach these disciples the very meaning of who he was and make sense of the events of life, he opened up for them Scripture’s plot, the “big picture” that weaves together all the individual events and details. The disciples saw the whole breathtaking view of Scripture’s story and how it led to Christ. It set their hearts on fire and changed their lives; their sorrow was turned to joy, and they raced back to Jerusalem!”

And that is what Cavins and Gray do for us in this work. They help open our eyes to the whole history of salvation. They do it in an easy to understand way. They make the material engaging, meaningful and even entertaining. They have done a masterful job walking with us through the story of salvation. 

This is a book any Catholic any Christian would benefit from reading. I highly recommend it!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2022 Catholic Reading Plan

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